Chapter 8

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Mina and Kiri are here, at my house, talking and eating pizza.
We just graduated Middle school, so the main topic of discussion was High school.
Mina was stressing out about the entrance exam, especially the written portion.
"I mean, Academics, is NOT my thing!," Mina wails, "I'm going to fail so bad-"
"Ashido, you'll be fine," I butt in, "besides, I'll help you with that."
Mina beams radiantly at me, "That would be awesome!"
Kiri picks up a slice of Meatlovers, and plops onto the couch next to me.
"Jaws, Finding Nemo,or 27 dresses?" He asks us.
We settle with Finding Nemo. We were up to the part where the fish met Bruce the shark, when I hear a knock at the front door.
Mina groans and goes to answer it. Her and Kiri have a habit of making themselves at home, even if that includes answering the door, or borrowing my socks.
Ejiro jumps when Bruce snaps suddenly at Dory and Marlin.
"Well someone wasn't paying attention," I teased.
Kirishima gets all defensive, saying how it's manly to have emotions such as fear, and right about then, the sunken Ship explodes in the movie, scaring us both.
I clutch onto him, and he grabs me suddenly.
Mina comes back with Zawa, and when they see us, they burst out laughing, eventually we join in too.

Time skip, to the next day.(brought to you by a smiley Kirishima, who is recently very smiley)

Zawa's POV

Ugh, I don't want to get out of bed. Y/N doesn't either. She screamed and thrashed around all night, quite scarily actually. Her nightmares are horrible little flashbacks. She doesn't get them often, but she won't admit that the cause of these flashbacks is Anxiety.
Y/N was diagnosed with Anxiety after the Asylum incident. She has probably has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder too.
She always says that her medical diagnoses don't define the person she is, and dreams to be.
I have to say, she right. Y/N is the nicest kid, and will to anything to help anyone. She has flaws, like the trauma, and the fact that even though I train her, she is a klutz. She's stubborn, but determined. Socially awkward, but very honest. (Brutally honest, even if lying is the right thing to do, she won't do it.) She's intelligent too, with bright eyes sparkling with knowledge and truth.
So I'm going to help her every step of the way, but only if she needs it. She's smart, she can figure it out herself.
I turn my head to Y/N. She is sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from me.
"What?" I groan, but curious. She stands up walks to the blinds, opening them. I hiss when the sudden light hits me in the eyes.
"You have a work meeting in ten minutes and the file that Midnight wants done, is not done," Y/N pressed, "So get up, get ready. I will teleport if needed." She turns and walks out.
"Ugh, you couldn't of done that maybe half an hour ago?" I call out too her, while getting up and getting ready.


They come every night, in a dream. Who are they, I don't know. I ask everyone I can see, who are the people with blurred faces? Everyone turns away. I plead for help. Sometimes I fight, but I always lose. I'm never strong enough. I move sluggishly, even though I am full of energy. I run, scream, attack, hide, but my efforts are all in vain.
It's no use.
Recently Zawa had been there. Sometimes he's being attacked, he's fighting, or he's already dead. Sometimes he ignores me.
No matter how hard I scream, no one comes. No one helps. Not even him, who I trust the most.
Eventually I wake up and realise I had been screaming the whole time, out loud....
Anyhoo, I need to get ready to go to work with Dad. I think, while throwing on jeans and my favourite tee. It's just plain black, with short sleeves stopping at the elbows, covering  the scars on my arms. It's where the IV was inserted wrong hundreds of times in the asylum.
I bound downstairs, with my shoes in my hands. I find Zawa  in the kitchen, drinking a juice pouch.
"When are we ever going to eat a substantial breakfast?" I ask him teasingly, while opening the fridge.
No food. Guess I'm going shopping today. I grab my IPhone and stuff it in my pocket.
I walk over to Aizawa and press my palms into his back.
These three words are important. If I can think or say this, I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
Including making a spiral in the middle of time, light and space, making a portal to my required destination; Which is what I'm doing right now.

In a flash of light, we're gone.

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