41 - She shot me!

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The license stares blankly back at me from the palm of my hand.
I did it.
"Pandora!" I turn just in time to see Mina pounce, attacking me like a big pink koala.
"We're proper heroes now!" She squeals, "C'mon! Sato agreed to cook tonight so we will have a feast!"
"What's wrong with my cooking?" I demand, shrugging the pinkette off my shoulders. Mina blinks before bursting into a desperate ramble.
"No! You're cooking is great I'm just-" I laugh at her whilst her babbling turns into laughter. We approach the bus, our friends all waving their licenses and celebrating joyfully. I can't stop the idiotic grin that spreads across my face when Deku steps on the bus, his green eyes glued to his licence like it was made of gold.

Dad winks at me from across the aisle.

The dorm is quiet all day, most of us slept in until the afternoon, exhausted from all the effort yesterday. I shuffle towards the freshly brewed pot of tea on the counter, pouring myself a steaming mug slowly. Hands snake around my waist and a chin rests on my head, fear snaking through my veins. My muscles lock together, my cup shaking dangerously.

"I told you." Dabi's threats run fresh in my mind.

"I'll never let you go"

Its just a dream.

A really bad dream....

"You're okay," A deep voice gently prying the cup from my hands with his own scarred one, "Panda it's okay."
Katsuki guides me to the couch, pulling me onto his lap and into a hug. I bury my face into his shirt, inhaling the wafts of caramel sweetness until I'm calm enough to think.
A calloused hand runs gently through my hair and Katsuki starts to hum, the vibrations rattling my bones like a skeleton running a marathon.

"How are you going, love?" Katsuki asks softly, "You feel a bit warm.." I shake my head in response, yawning slowly.
"Tired." He chuckles, now tracing patterns on my back with his fingers. I shudder as he presses against the cut across my shoulder blades.
"Hold still." Katsuki gently pulls back the hem of my collar, inhaling sharply as he looks down my back.
"Never seen a bra before?" I joke quietly and he rolls his eyes, wrapping his arms around me again and pulling me closer. He doesn't comment on my hideous back.

Soft footsteps echo across the room, quietly sneaking behind us.
"Get a room." Jirou sniggers at Momo's loud comment and Kat flips them both off. They giggle before retreating back up the hall.
"Wear protection!" I call after them and Katsuki barks out a laugh.
"I should probably go wash up." I murmur and 'Suki grumbles something unholy under his breath. I climb off his lap with red cheeks before leaving to shower, knowing that if I stayed any longer I would've had a cherry face.
As I turn the shower on to a warmish temperature all I can think about is Katsuki.
Which is stupid!
Hot headed, loud Katsuki.
Who smells like caramel and cinnamon.
Who bullied Deku for years.
Katsuki who gives incredible hugs.
I shake the thoughts from my mind and step into the shower. The water feels wrong in my toes and I dip my head under thinking it'll be different once I'm fully submerged.
I slip backwards trying to get out of the boiling water. My mind screams and my heart pounds in my ears. The walls wobble and tip and I vaguely wonder whether the tea was spiked before falling onto my ass with a crash.
I wait for the world to stop spinning before registering three things:
1. The shower is still running, water tunnelling down the drain.
2. The main places that hurt are my tailbone, neck and head.
3. The water at the bottom of the shower is watermelon pink. I change the water temperature to cold and slowly slid under. The burning sensation down my neck and back immediately stops but the stinging doesn't fade, neither does the reddish water. I turn the water off and climb out of the shower, drying myself with and towel and pressing the towel against my neck as I get dressed. I walk out of the bathroom to find more people had dragged themselves out of bed, shuffling around the kitchen doing various tasks. I smile as I pass my friends before reaching Dad's room and knocking.
"Come In." He calls and I step in quietly and quickly closing the door.
"What's up, kiddo?"
"Can you take a look at my neck?" I pull the bloodied towel of my neck and Dad scrunches his face.
"It's swollen." He mumbles, pressing against it and then groaning, "It's infected." He swiped a glob of green from the cut and shows me.
"Ergh." I bite down the urge to vomit. Dad grins in his creepy way before laughing.
"I'll patch it up." He informs me, cleaning it carefully and applying a plaster.
"Go get dressed. I hung up your hero uniform in your wardrobe, meet with Kirishima in 20." I smile, getting ready for my first day on the job with eager.

"My Goodness!" Fatgum cheers, pulling me into a giant, squishy hug, "You're so big now!" Kirishima chuckles before yelping, being pulled into the gaggle of arms himself.

"You lot are joining me on patrol today." Fatgum says, "Please be respectful and represent our agency well." Kirishima and I nod enthusiastically and Tamaki hangs his head. One of the senior UA students, Tamaki Amajiki, is one of the 'Big 3' and a person I can respect with my whole heart.

Fatgum has good taste.

A loud crash alerts us as we walk down the streets of Esuha City, a group of grimy looking idiots hurtling down the street towards us splits into three and Fatgum nods. I take his signal as a affirmative as I chase after the retreating bastard. I teleport a few metres in front of him with a loud 'Pop!'.

"Fucking HELL." He spits, fumbling for his gun. I punch him in the nose and he yelps, forgetting of his weapon to grab blindly at me. I kick him deftly in the backs of his knees and doubles over, swearing loudly.

"Please stay down. Police are on their way." I inform him in the voice Zawa made me practice, laced with authority but not enough to be a bitch. I watch as his eyes flicker slightly and I turn around and quickly form a force field. The other man fires in the same moment, causing the bullet to come slowly towards me as it was stretched in honey. I focus on the shiny metal, controlling it to fly back into the shooters hip.

"Fuck!" He screams as Fatgum turns around the corner.

"She shot me!" Fatgum laughs as he hollers for the next 15 minutes, even when the paramedics are loading him into the ambulance.

"I'm Sorry Sir!" I ramble, wanting to keep my job very desperately.

"To be fair I wasn't told I couldn't shoot them.."

"It's Good thing you didn't get shot." Fatgum silences my protests with a raised finger, "Because we have an issue."

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