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I open the apartment's door, tiredly and walk in with heavy steps and I am welcomed by silence, which believe me, I am very thankful for.

I take in a deep breathe and go towards the kitchen. I take a bottle of ice cold water and go to my room, in my way, eyeing here and there for any sign of the other people, living here.

Brother, I suppose, as always would be busy, his job, no doubt has been doing well, but that is the main reason why the issues at home have increased.
Lia, I don't know, what is wrong with her. The thing is even though I have lived with them, since their marriage, she never really opened up to me, she is nice and all and I am, indeed, good friends with her but about her personal problems and things going around in home, nah, that has never been our tea. As far as I have judged, she doesn't like to share her personal problems with many people. But I am still really grateful, she allows me to live here, I mean that is really nice of her, I know HyunJin would've stood up for me, but her understanding attitude made it easy. These days, I am all about, earning enough to have my own place, but things are really not going in my favour.

I wake up from my sleep, which I suppose was really deep, guessing from the number of missed calls from my brother. I was going to go back to my precious sleep, once again, but my ringtone interrupts me, it's him again,
"Yes, Jina."

"Is Lia home?"
He asks in a hurry.

"Umm, when I came back from work, she wasn't, I can check again now."

"Yes, please."

I observe the seriousness in his voice and check around the place,
"She isn't."

"Okay, thank you."

"You want me to tell her to call you back-"
Before I could finish, he hangs up.
Tsk. This b****.

It's almost night, where is Lia?

Well, could be busy, not something to worry about.

With this, I go back to my precious sleep yet again, but before I could, my phone rings again, I groan and answer without looking,

"Is HyunJin home?"
It's Lia now.

"No, not yet..."
I reply with confusion.

"Okay, thank you."
She seems in a hurry, and once again, before I could say something, she hangs up.

Ugh... what is with these husband and wife, hanging up on me!

I put my phone on silent, this time and go to sleep again.

I wake up on someone's shouting?

I groan and check the time from my phone,


Ugh... not again with these too.

Seriously, it has just been a year...

I can't even complain...

I try to cover my ears using the pillow but all in vain.

I sigh and suddenly, get reminded of the documents, I am supposed to submit tomorrow.

Holy shit.

I quickly get up from my bed and go for my laptop.

I look for my glasses here and there and sigh out of frustration, as I put my hands on my head, I realize, they have been on my head all along.
Great just great!

With two people shouting their lungs out at each other, as background music, I start doing my work.

My stomach pleads for me to care for it, but my anxiety during work mode, doesn't set me in the mood for it, also I don't want to hear what they are fighting at, this time.
Ignoring the cries of my stomach, I try to concentrate on my work, with a lot of distraction in the background, I still manage to focus.
Not my first time.



This might seem slow, but the tea is just getting ready.
Takes time, you know. ;)

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