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- "I'm here. Waiting."

"Be there in five."
-Jeon bitch.

Don't even get me started, why I'm here waiting, for the royalty, Jeon Jungkook. He just called and wanted to meet up to discuss 'something' and I did not call on my job, telling that I'll turn in late today, I did not.
Ughh.... why am I so desperate!?
And now, he is late, I've been sitting in this small but comfy coffee place, for which I had to take a taxi, for about 20 minutes, now. I've been broke and desperate, and now, I'm stupid too.
Jeon Jungkook being the only reason behind it.
As I'm busy calculating my flaws, the door of the café opens, as if forced by some wild winds, instead we have a Jeon coming in, not in his best state. He mumbles an apology to the eyes of the strangers and waiters, while crouched on his knees, panting. Well, at least he knows he's late. He spots me sitting in the corner, and greets me with a smile, melting me a little, now walking towards me. He looks good in his all black attire, and that black leather jacket looks expensive as hell. He takes a seat in front of me, in between taking long breaths to calm himself,
"I'm sorry. Traffic."
He huffs out.

Suppressing my laugh, I snort back,
"You said, you live near the place."

"I did? Then umm... I overslept?"
He replies with mischievousness.

"Leave it. Why am I here?"

"Why are you so grumpy in the morning?"

"Because it's morning, duh."

"Come on relax, what drink will you have?"
He asks, while signaling for the waiter to come.

"One black coffee without sugar."
I say to the waiter.

"One caramel macchiato here."
He says to the waiter then continues to look at me with the same mischievousness,
"Is that why you're always bitter?"


"No sugar. Wow, girl. How do you take it in?"

"Just like how you take in the alcohol?"

"Oh- but... no... it's-it's different?"
He speaks with confusion, his face expressing cuteness.

I reply smiling to that,
"You're stupid."

"But I'm hot!"

"Proud much?"

"Very much."

"Nothing stays, Jeon."

"Yes, nothing does really. But will you?"
He asks with a little seriousness and I almost fall for it, that took me off guard, I try not to show,
"You're being funny too, today."

"Ha! It wasn't a joke but okay. Speaking of funny, I want to thank you actually."
I notice how he changed the topic but I don't press on to it,
"Oh your welcome. But for?"

"Lia came in fuming of jealousy!"
He states with utmost calmness, taking me by surprise, once again, I sit up straight, questioning,
"What? She came to you too?"

"What did she say to you?"
He asks calmly, which honestly, I'm not liking.

"Nothing really. But I bet she must've played well in front of you."
I try to calm myself, leaning back on my chair.

"You're a smart girl, Y/n."

"I know."

"Then I'll be a little honest, I can't tell you the whole truth, but she isn't what she might come as in front of you or your brother."

"I know that too. What do you want to do, now?

After a few seconds of silence, he speaks,
"Why did you ask me to date you, Y/n?"

"Why did you send me the video, Jungkook?"
It came out like an instinct.

He lets out a small laugh at my question,
"I guess we both have things we can't talk out loud."

"Wow. Jeon Jungkook making some sense!"
I say it a little more dramatically than needed.

He just smiles. Yes, just that. He doesn't reply with another cocky statement, but just smiles. Not good for my heart, mission abort! Mission abort! But oh well...
I can't help but stare at his well-sculpted face, that mole under his lip being my favourite, I purse my lips together, coming out of my trance,

"You can kiss them."

Why am I like this!?
To hide my embarrassment, I quickly try to sound oblivious,
"What are you talking abou-"

And I don't quite register what happens in the next moment, until it is gone, I just felt another pair of lips on mine for a second and I sit there frozen, possessed by a ghost.
It is then I hear a laugh,
"You're too cute, Y/n!"
He speaks in between his giggle.
He looks like a cute bunny.
I blink my eyes too many times in too less seconds,
"Uh... I don't know... umm... that wasn't necessary..."
I thank myself for finally, making a coherent sentence.

He smiles yet again, composing himself still,
"Now, to the point, why we are here actually."

Ouch, too soon.


"No, she is not."

"Yes, she is. Jungkook, I remember the name clearly. Seemed familiar."

"Hyunjin, there must be some mistake!"

"No, Jimin. I am sure,"
Putting the empty glass of water on the table, I respond, reading his weird behavior,
"Why? Is there some problem?"

"Jungkook is just a fxvkboy. He doesn't do relationships. It is entirely not his thing. He is just in for the pleasure of things and when things start getting messy, he leaves like there were no strings attached, ever."
Jimin speaks almost in one breath, taking me by surprise.

"Y/n won't date someone like that, may be we are talking about different Jungkooks?"

"Hyunjin, no. If it is Jungkook, it is none other than Jeon Jungkook, himself. I know. It is him."

"I can't say anything now, can I?"
I say confused.

"May be he's sincere? Y/n would know about it?"

"Sincere is the last thing that man can be."
I observe slight anger in Jimin's tone and I silence the questions arising in my brain.
Who is this Jungkook guy, really?
Should I be concerned?



A small chapter but well, I tried dropping some things?
P.S. unedited.

when Fate befallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora