"If you have time after work, come meet me at the café near my place."
- Hyunjin oppa

Now, for someone with anxiety issues, this doesn't sit well.
Is this about Lia?
Should I go?
Why so suddenly?
We don't have serious meetings or conversations often...
It's rare that he talks about serious stuff to me, it's mostly me ranting to him.
Then this might not be too serious, I just need to stop over thinking everything. Like really.
Taking in a deep breath, I put my phone down, looking at everyone busy in their work. I busy myself too in my own work, planning to meet him on my way back home.


"Do you love him?"

And in the middle of a chaotic café , on a cozy evening, one question from my own brother brings back all my fears.

"And if I do?"
I hesitantly, reply.

He sets the coffee mug aside, thinking for a minute, then contiuing,
"Look y/n, I know I'm no one to interfere in your love life, especially if it's someone you brought to our home for the first time, and I'll not say much too. I know you are a smart girl. But Jimin's a good friend of mine, you two get along too and he wasn't at all happy, listening your name with that Jungkook guy..."

"I know he doesn't have the best reputation but I am into him, hoping for some change..."

"Well then wish you luck, just know, I'll always be here for you little sis, enjoy life, also I was starting to question your sexuality..."

I playfully, hit his arm and he starts laughing. I smile looking at him, feeling a bit relieved that I have his support.

After a light meal, we head out to go home, as I am about to get in the car, my phone rings, telling me, I got a text, as it could be an important one from work, I excuse myself from Hyunjin for a minute, and see my phone, it is from an unknown number, I open and it says,

"Go to xxx-mall floor12, for a surprise from your lovely boyfriend."

To put it that I'm literally panicking, wouldn't be enough, I gulp at my gut feeling all the wrong things. I hurriedly make an excuse to Hyunjin,
"Ah... Hyunjin they kinda need me for some work, I'll have to head out again... you can go on your own.."

"Oh well, you want me to drop you there?"

"Oh no, thanks, you go, I'll manage."

"Umm.. okay... come to dinner!"

After bidding my goodbyes, in a hurry, I really run for a taxi, fate doing me favours, or may be compensating me for the coming disaster, a get a taxi in no time. The mall mentioned, is the one near Jungkook's place and the distance to any place has never felt so long... I keep moving my leg in anxiety. Trying to keep my breathing normal, I just hope for a little less pain.
And finally, when the taxi stops, I almost throw extra money to the driver, muttering an apology after and making big steps to the mall. Floor 12 it is, I tell myself, as I enter the mall.
It's almost 8:40pm as I am here, the lift feels more suffocating than it is, as it stops at floor 12, I almost miss the chance to get off but scurry out at the last moment. When I head out, I see a red sign board, reading,
"Wine Dine & 69".
I clench my jaw, calming my nerves, I shouldn't have been here. It could've been a prank. My eyes pool of water on their own. Biting my bottom lip in nervousness and holding myself together, I decide to go in.
As I move in, the mood inside seems very intoxicating, surroundings decorated in red lights and the world inside this place looks all red, 'still don't know my name' playing in the background. This place smells of expensive wine, it has a mini bar and waiters working here and there, serving the customers sitting in their respective seats. The people look of elite class here. A waiter acknowledges my presence and asks if I would like to book a seat. I nod my head and he tells me that I'm lucky there is a seat, otherwise many miss a chance at this time. Heading in I start looking here and there for any sign of Jungkook. As I start moving further, this place seems pretty normal to me, until I catch a glance of a place comparatively very rushy, I go towards the crowd, and my eyes widen at the scene, three almost naked girls showing off all their flexibility on a mere iron rod, the music more louder there. The people surrounding them, aren't drunk cheap axxholes, but rich spoilt brats, with lust in their eyes while they pass shameful and disgusting comments to the girls, the girls seem not to mind any. As I am standing there, a waiter comes to me offering a drink, I refuse but he still insists and hands me a small note, whispering in my ear,
"From the denim guy in the corner!"

when Fate befallsWhere stories live. Discover now