Chapter 31.

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Dean's POV

It's been 19 hours since Paige left. Yes I've been counting.
She called me saying that she was gonna swing by and pick up her stuff but that was all she was coming for.

I really screwed up this time didn't I? I just lost the only girl that I have ever loved and the only girl that I probably ever will love. It hurts so bad.

I haven't been hurt this bad ever since I found out my dad had life in prison.

I haven't been asleep since the whole this with Paige happened. I even cried once or twice. I just miss her.

My phone beeped and it was a text from Paige saying she was outside and to open the door for her.

I quickly shot up from the couch and ran over to the door. I opened it and was shocked.

Even after all that went down last night, she still looked more beautiful than ever. Maybe she was better without me.

"Hey P-"

She rolled her eyes at me and shoved past me and to the bedroom.

"Paige just please let me explain." I say following her. "It was nothing okay? Renee is just my friend and we were just in the moment and it was a mistake." I say

She stayed silent, packing her bag.

"Babe please. Just forgive me." I say walking closer to her.

She stays silent.

"Please?" I ask.

She stays silent.

"Fine. I'll let you pack." I say turning around to leave.

"Why?" She says finally speaking up.

I quickly turn around at the sound of her voice. "What?" I ask

"Why!?" She asks again raising her voice.

"I said it was an accident. I'm sorry." I say.

"Dean this isn't a game! My heart isn't a toy where you can just drop it, break it, and say sorry and everything is gonna be alright. You can't fox a broken heart, Dean!" She yells.

"Saraya I just-"

"No!" She says cutting me off! "You promised! You promised not to hurt me again but you did! You did it again!" She keeps yelling.

"I know and I'm sorry." I say.

"Sorry isn't gonna fix this, Jon!" She yells using my real name. "There is nothing you can do to make me ever take you back. When I said we were done yesterday, I fucking meant it. You're dead to me!" She yells again as she wipes her tears away and goes back to packing.

I just stand there. Heartbroken.

I tried so hard not to let those words affect me, but they were just too powerful.

So I did the only thing that my heart let me do.

I cried.

I turn around quickly and went back to the living room because I didn't want her to see me so weak.

I sit on the couch, cuddle into a ball, and burst into tears.

I feel like a teenage girl.

The love of my life just disappeared right before my eyes. There is nothing I can do about it.

I haven't cried since I was 8.

Playing a tough guy on TV makes it seem like I've never cried a day in my life but none of that is true.

I love that girl with all my heart and I will never stop until the day I die.

I felt a small pair of arm wrap around my shoulders. I look up and see Paige hugging me so I hug her back.

I couldn't stop crying.

I buried my face into her her shoulder as the tears continue to pour out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry!" I say while still crying into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry!" I weep.

"Shhhh." She comforts me while running my back.

Paige's POV

I've never seen him this hurt before. Ever.

I keep hugging him until he finally calms down a bit.

"Let's go lay down." I whisper to him.

We go to the room and we lay down on the bed.

I take him in my arms as he puts his head on my chest. I Brush over his hair and skin with my finger soothingly trying to get him to sleep.

"Shhh babe. Go to sleep." I whisper to him repeatedly.

And after doing that for a few minutes, he was out like a light.

25 Minutes Later

I finish packing the rest of my luggage and I look over at Dean sleeping on the bed.

I walk over to him and kiss his cheek lightly so that I don't wake him.

"No matter what I'll always love you. Goodbye, Dean." I whisper.

I take the key to the apartment and put it in the coffee table.

I give the apartment one final look then I leave the place possibly forever.


(Sequel coming soon!)

Here's a pretty long last chapter! Might update "Bleeding Love today as well but probably not. lol have a nice Day/Night (whenever you're reading this...)

{Sorry for any Typos or Mistakes:/}


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