Chapter 27.

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Paige's POV

A few months later

I was walking around backstage at RAW. I was having good day and I was on my way to see Dean. I haven't seen him in a while because we've both been really busy lately. But we finally get to see each other tonight on RAW for the Slammy awards.

I was on my way to Dean's locker room to meet him until I saw him talking to a short blonde girl. I didn't know who it was until I looked closer. Renee!? Why the hell is he talking to Renee. His ex.

I was furious but I wasn't trying to show it. To prevent causing a scene, I'm not gonna go over there. I'm just gonna wait for them to finish and he'll come over here.

I was waiting by the crate patiently for Dean. Maybe I'll just meet him in his locker room. I was about to walk away until I say Renee put her hand on Dean's arm. Oh hell no.

I march over to them interrupting their conversation.

"Dean. I've been looking for you everywhere." I say giving him a long passionate kiss.

I see Renee roll her eyes and I smirk into the kiss.

"Hey babe. I missed you." He says after he pulls away.

"I missed you more." I say as I kissed him again and we started making out.

Renee rolled her eyes again and stormed off.
I wait until she's completely out of sight and then I pull away and punch Dean's arm.

"Ow! How are you gonna go from kissing me to punching me!?" He says in pain.

"Why the hell were you talking to her?!" I ask angrily.

"Calm down. We're just friends." He says while talking towards the locker room.

"So you mean to tell me that your 'Just Friends' with your ex girlfriend" I say not believing him.

"Yes. What's wrong with that?" He asks confused.

"What's right with it? You wouldn't like it if I was 'just friends' with Corey." I say bring up one of the ex that I know Dean doesn't like.

"You're damn right I wouldn't." Dean says

"Okay so then why would it be different with me?" I asks grabbing his arm stopping him from walking.

He looks in my eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Look Paige. Don't worry about Renee okay? She's in the past. And why would I want her when I have the most amazingly beautiful girlfriend ever." He says while smiling at me flashing those dimples that no one can resist.

" Aww. You think I'm beautiful?" I asks while blushing.

"Yeah! You're perfect." He saying while kissing my cheeks.

"You're so sweet. I'm so lucky to have you." I say.

"I'm the lucky one." He says while taking my hand and kissing it.

"So I here were up for the same slammy tonight." I say while smirking.

"Yeah! May the best man win." He says jokingly.

"Hey! I am not a man!" I say while laughing.

After RAW

I was bummed that I didn't win 'Diva of the Year' but Dean did win 'Breakout Star of the year' so I'll have to give an unforgettable congratulations ;)

I was walking to the parking lot to meet Dean until I saw him talking to Renee again.

Ugh what is with these two. Renee better not be trying anything slick or else I won't hesitate to punch her in the face.

I walk over to the pair. "Hey babe." I say while kissing his cheek.

"Hey babe. You ready?" He asks.

"Ready when you are." I say.

"Okay." He says as he gets the keys out of his pocket. "Bye Renee." He says while walking away.

"See ya, Dean. Bye Paige." She says while smirking at me.

I didn't say anything but I rolled my eyes. I know she's just trying to bug me and it's working.

"Paige be nice." Dean's says while putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I shouldn't have to. She such a bitch." I say getting angrier by the second.

"I bet she can say the same thing about you." He says

"Excuse me?" I ask in disbelief.

"Paige you can't forget that you were the one who was sleeping with her boyfriend behind her back." He says while pointing to himself.

I sigh because I know he's right." Ugh I feel bad now." I say while getting in the car and putting my head in hands.

"I didn't say that to make you feel bad. I said it to make your realize that she's not the bad guy in this situation. We are." He say.

My heart shattered as I just realized. Renee isn't the bitch. I am.

Yay and update! Hope you guys enjoyed! Until next time! (Sorry for any typos it mistakes)


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