Chapter 29.

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Dean's POV

After I left the house, I was so mad that I decided to just go to Renee's house.

"So she said you can't hang with me anymore?" Renee asks

"Yeah but don't worry. I told her she was just overreacting." I say.

"Thanks Dean. Why does Paige hate me?" Renee asks.

Renee, she doesn't hate you she just doesn't trust you." I say trying to comfort her.

All of a sudden my phone vibrates. I look at it and it's a text from Paige.

Paige: Where are you? I really wanna talk to you. Call me.

"Who is it?" Renee asks while scooting closer to me.

I stare at the text for a while then press the lock button. "It's nobody." I say.

"Was that Paige?" Renee asks eagerly.

"No. It was just Seth." I tell her obviously not telling the truth.

"Okay. You wanna watch a movie?" She asks grabbing the remote and turning on Netflix.

"Uh yeah sur-" I say before I am cut off by my phone ringing.

I look at the caller ID and see that it's Paige. I press ignore then turn off my phone and put it in my pocket.

"Seth must really want something." Renee says while giggling.

"Huh?" I ask confused then remember the lie. "Oh yeah. He probably just wants to talk about something stupid." I say while fake laughing.

"Yeah. Well SpongeBob Movie or SpiderMan 3?" She asks.

"SpongeBob. Duh." I say jokingly while laughing a bit.

After The Movie

I wake up and notice that Renee is asleep on my shoulder. I reach over and grab my phone. I turn it in and see that it's 3:00 a.m. I also notice that I have 15 missed calls from paige.

"Shit." I say quietly while getting up carefully trying not to wake up Renee. But I failed.

She shift a bit before she opens her eyes.

"What time is it?" She groans while sitting up.

"It's 3 a.m. Paige is gonna flip out." I say hurrying up to go put my shoes on.

"Oh gosh. I better head to bed. I have a meeting with WWE tomorrow. I'll see ya later, Dean." She says while walking over to me and kissing my cheek.

I stand there stuck in the moment. So I turn my head and kiss her on the lips.

I quickly pull away after that.

"Uhh.. I gotta go." I say before scurrying out of the house leaving Renee confused.

Dean... You really just fucked up.

When I get home I quietly open the door because I think paige is probably sleeping already.

"Dean?" I hear a voice say.

I look up and see paige sitting on the couch with tear stains on her cheeks.

"Dean your okay!" She yells as she rushes over to me and clutches onto me in a loving embrace.

"Yeah I'm fine. What's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?" I ask panicking because she looks so hurt.

"I thought something happened to you. I called you like a thousand times and you didn't pick up. I know you're probably still mad at me but I'm really sorry. I was wrong I admit it just please forgive me." She says frantically and still crying a little bit.

I've never seen her like this. Usually when we get in an argument, I'm always apologizing to her.

"Of course I forgive you. I love you. Come here." I say while pulling her into a hug the kiss her forehead, trying to comfort her.

"Shh. Baby stop crying it's okay. I'm fine." I say while still hugging her and rubbing her back.

She yanks away from me and punches my chest.

"Ow! What was that for?" I ask rubbing my chest where she just punched.

"Don't ever scare me like that again. Answer your phone next time!" She yells.

"Okay I promise." I say while laughing a bit at her antics

"Good. Now let's got to bed." She says while winking at me.

She grabs my hand and leads us into the room.

There is no way I'm coming clean to her today...

Hey guys! Merry Christmas! And since its that Holidays, I'm gonna do a Christmas chapter tomorrow! Drama filled chapter! Can't wait! Anyways, hope you guys are still reading "Bleeding Love" still working on it! Love you guys! Bye!

{Sorry for any typos or mistakes}

~GhettoXXXFab 💋

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