Chapter 22.

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Paige's POV

I'm freaking out and I'm breaking down. Dean has been getting distant again. I wanna think that he's not getting back into his old drinking habits but I feel that he is.

Another something is telling me that he's cheating on me, but we all know Dean would never do that. Would he?

I'm currently sitting backstage watching Dean beat up Bray Wyatt on the small TV set up in catering.
I am soon interrupted by someone flicking the back of my head. I turn around and am greeted by the two toned Seth Rollins.

"What's up, sis?" He greets while taking the seat next to me.

"Hey. Seth, can I ask you something?" I say.

"Ask away." He says cooly while chewing on the piece of gum in his mouth.

"You've known Dean for a long time, longer than me at least. But do you think the uh... Cheating type?" I ask hesitantly

Seth sighs and finally gives me his full attention.
"Look Paige, you know I love you and you're like the younger sister than I've never wanted. Right?" He asks

I chuckle a bit before I answer

"Well then I'll be honest, Dean wasn't even the boyfriend type. I was surprised when he told me that he finally settled down with someone. Even more surprised when I hear it was you. Anyways Dean's my friend and I know he loves you and will never purposely hurt you, but I'll just say keep all eyes open. I don't wanna see you get your heart broken." He says as he pats my head.

I sigh and look up at the screen and see that was done with his segment so I guess I'll meet up with him and just ask him.

"Thanks, Seth. I don't know what I would do without you." I say as I give him a hug and walk away.

I walk over to the gorilla and wait for Dean to walk through the curtain.
As I'm waiting I think. What if he gets mad at me for asking? What if he is cheating?

"Hey." Dean says interrupting my thoughts as he walks through the curtains.

"Oh hey." I say

We stand there for a few more seconds.

"Well what do you want?" He asks breaking the silence.

"Uhm. Can we talk?" I ask

"Yeah whatever. Talk." He says rudely.

"Somewhere more private, Dean." I say getting irritated.

He huffs and we walk over the and quiet and empty area.

"Well..what?" He asks with a bit of an attitude.

"Look Dean I don't have to put up with this sass of yours." I say starting to get angry.

"Then don't!" He yells as he's about to walk away.

I grab his arm and turn his around to make him face me.
"What has gotten into you lately?" I ask annoyed.

"Nothing just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood." He says yanking his arm back.

"Dean." I say loudly while grabbing his arm again.

"What!?" He yells.

"Just talk to me. I'm your girlfriend! When your upset your supposed to talk to me and tell me what's up not just push me away. I feel like we're growing apart." I say sadly.

"Look paige I'm just a bit pissed off so just leave it!" He yells yanking his arm back again.

I yank it arm back again and he raises his arm as if he's about to slap me but he stops. I was a bit scared but I didn't back down.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me again? Go ahead. Hit me." I say.

"Paige you know that was a fucking accident." Dean says quietly not trying to attract attention.

I sit there and start to cry lightly as Dean get fed up and storms off.

I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm frustrated.

That's all for today! Sorry for the suckish chapter. Ill update soon. TYYL! Love ya! 💕

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