"Aqua!" Sag exclaimed, running up to him from the living room. "I knew you'd come!"

"Yes, I did, now where is it?" Aqua asked again impatiently.

"I get it, Science never waits. Walk this way, Einstein." Aqua eagerly followed her to...

A body lying in the middle of Aries' living room floor. It was face down and limp. Aqua went paler than he already was. "A body...?" He questioned.

"Yep, there were tons of these bad boys!" Sag replied, seemingly unfazed. She started to punch and kick the air with her small fists and short legs. "We had to fight them off and all of them got away, except for the one Aries shot-"

"Aries shot him?!" Aqua was normally around for news about Aries breaking an object or bone. He was quite the aggressor. But... murder? Aqua never knew his best friend had it in him.

"Yeah, don't you see the bullet holes?" Aqua looked at the body again. There were several punctures in the body's chest. One distinctive hole in the head. Black blood seeped out from beneath the body. "The guy was comin' straight for me, and Aries saved me! Isn't he badass?"

"Indeed." Aqua agreed, getting on his knees to look closer. It was a male, and a big one too, probably as big as Taurus. He was ghostly pale with long black hair. It was wispy, but went down to the man's back.

Aqua sat down, and pulled out some gloves before turning the man over. He flinched at the sight and backed away a bit. The man's eyes were totally black with no pupils. "Woah..." Sag whispered, getting on her hands and knees to get a closer look. "That's fucking sick!"

"Astonishing..." Aqua was whispering too, touching the body to examine it more. "Where is Aries by the way?"

"In his room. He's helping Leo calm down, he totally freaked when he saw the body drop to the floor, what a pussy."

Aqua had to suppress his laugh. He pulled out his scalpel and started poking around the body. Sag eagerly sat down next to him on her knees. She leaned into his hand movements, completely immersed in his movements. "This is definitely no human..." he trailed off, losing himself in thought.

"You think it's an alien?" Sag inquired, her big black eyes looking up at him. She looked so youthful... and pretty.

Aqua smirked. "It has to be. Where did they come from?"

"No clue, pal. They were already here when we got here."

"Where were you guys?"

"At Virgo's little party, but Aries got us kicked out."

Aqua narrowed his eyes as he cut into the man's arm. "Capricorn."

"Yep. You know how they get... what are you doing?"

"Taking samples. I have microscopes at home, so getting some flesh would be very helpful. Did anyone hear the gunshots?" Aqua knew he didn't have to worry about anyone seeing it. They lived in a small, distant town. Houses and trailers were scattered across the woods and centered around the University they all went to.

"Nope! Aries had a silencer, just like the cartel!"

"Sag, don't be racist."

"I'm not!" She whined as Aries jogged down the stairs. "Aries, Aqua thinks I'm racist!"

"That's because you are." Aries deadpanned before fist bumping Aqua without even looking at him. "It's bad enough people at school tell me to go back to my country, now I gotta put up with your shit too-"

"Hey, you're just as bad! You told Scorpio a Black joke once and he almost broke your nose!" Aqua burst into laughter, remembering when that happened. He made sure to take several pictures rather than help Aries. Had he tried, Scorpio would have broken him in half.

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