Chapter 10 - The Rise of the Great Devourer

Start from the beginning

"Are you ok?"

"I'm good. My head hurts a little. What happened?" Lucy listened as Lloyd quickly explained what happened. They went and got the Golden Weapons and gave them to the boys.

"If Pythor returns the Fangblades to the City of Ouroboros, he'll awaken the Great Devourer." Sensei said.

"Well, we're not gonna let that happen." Nya assured.

"Oh, what about us?" Lloyd asked.

"We need someone to stay with the Bounty." Kai told him.

"But did you see me kick him in the face? I'm an asset. I kick butt. And face." Lloyd insisted.

"Patience, kid. You're too important now that you're the Chosen One." Kai ruffled his hair

"Patience, hmm? Ah, the student has become the teacher." Sensei hummed.

Jay grinned at his brothers. "What do you say we play a little catch-up?"

"It's my favorite game." Cole agreed.

"Ninja, go!"

Lucy and Lloyd got to the bridge after the others all left and Lucy planted herself at the console while Lloyd began steering the ship.

"AHH! LLOYD IT'S NOT HARD! TURN THE WHEEL THE DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO!" Lucy screamed as he jerked the wheel around.



He did as she said and they calmed down.

"Calmer movements. The steering is sensitive." Lucy panted, repeating what Nya had told her once.

Lucy began hitting buttons and watched the Ninja from a distance.

"Zane! On your left!" She said into the com and Zane jerked right, barely avoiding an attack from a Serpentine.

"Thank you, Lucy." The Nindroid said.

"I got a plan." Nya said. "Jay, follow me. Zane, try to get in close and cool him off."

"Okay, I'm going in. Ninja, go! Goodbye." Lucy watched the end of the train get detached and left behind.

"All right. Nice one, Zane. Now let's board that truck." Jay said.

"Let's split up. Last one to the front is a rotten Ninja." Kai decided.

"Lloyd!" Lucy grabbed the panel as they roughly turned.

"Sorry!" He shouted back. "Giant rock!"

Meanwhile, Sensei Wu detached the other carts from the front.

"Sensei!" Jay gasped.

"What are you doing?" Cole questioned.

"My destiny is to face Pythor alone. Your destiny is to look after Lloyd." Sensei said.

"This is turning into a habit with him. How do we get off this thing?" Kai looked around.

"Ah! The Lost City of Ouroboros." Lloyd gasped.

"Go lower." Lucy ordered. He drove faster and lower. "Alright, a tiny bit to the right." He inched to the right. "I meant left!" He went the other way. "Alright." She dropped the anchor and it latched onto the train.

"Lloyd! Lucy!"

"Hook, line, and sinker." Lloyd laughed.

"To Ouroboros as fast as you can."

"Aye, aye, captain."

"Ninja, go!" Sensei cried and Pythor stopped him by hitting him with his staff.

"You're getting slow, old man." Pythor taunted. They crashed near the city's entrance.

Pythor got to the statue first.

"Finally, the Great Devourer will be awakened." He inserted the Fangblades. One by one. "Perfect." He laughed as the statue began to... leak? The statue began to leak venom. "It's working! Awaken, great one! Awaken the insatiable appetite of the beast that will consume all of Ninjago!"

"What have you done!?" Sensei demanded.

"Don't you see? Releasing the Great Devourer is the only way to get back at the people of Ninjago for locking my kind underground for all those years. We should have been the ones ruling the surface, not you!"

"You are playing with a power that cannot be controlled. It will consume everything, even the Serpentine." Sensei said.

"Unleash, Great Devourer, and be free to do my bidding, for I have awakened you!" Pythor cried, ignoring Sensei's warning.

"Okay, Lloyd. Put us down right after that truck." They landed the train and came to a stop.

"Wait up, guys!" Lloyd ran after them and Lucy was right behind him.

They slowed down a distance away, they had a clear enough view of their uncle that when Devourer lunged at Sensei and Pythor and swallowed them both whole, they saw it.

Tada! Faster than usual right?

Anyways, almost done with the first season! I'm really excited!

Who has an idea about Lucy's power? I haven't really made many hints but any ideas?

I'm typing all this with my eyes half shut. I barely got any sleep last night.

Anyways, I love you guys! Thank you for everything.

💜 ~ Bye!

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