Chapter Thirty-Seven

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December 2221 

A month had passed, and Christmas day came around quickly, but I felt far more prepared for my current pregnancy than I had the last. 

Nathan held Natalia in his arms, as I reached up to place the star atop the tree. 

"Yay!" Nathan called out, and Natalia clapped as she smiled up at the tree. 

"I think she likes it," I replied, with my own gentle smile. 

Another figure soon entered the room, then, and I turned to see Camelot standing there. 

"How is everything going, you two?" he asked, with a serious expression as he met Nathan's gaze. 

Months had passed since Nathan had caught Camelot kissing me, but Camelot was still understandably a little on edge every time he hung around the two of us. 

"Everything is well, Camelot," I answered for the both of us, as I gently took Natalia's hand in my own, then, and she giggled joyfully as I did so. 

"I am certainly glad to hear that," he replied, beaming towards Natalia for a moment. 

He then looked up to admire the star atop the tree, too. 

"It looks beautiful in here, doesn't it?" I asked. 

"I most certainly agree with that one," Camelot replied. 

Lacey soon quickly headed into the room, and blushed a little as Camelot met her gaze. 

"Miss, dinner is served," she said. 

"Excellent. We will be through soon, Lacey," I replied. 

Nathan nodded, too. 

We all soon left the bright Christmas tree, admiring it on our way out of the main living room, and towards the dining hall, where we went to sit with Nathan's family and friends. 

Nathan placed Natalia in her high chair, and the royal butlers soon served her some food, too. 

I took a sip of water. 

I think the only downside to being pregnant so early again was the fact that I would be confined to a life of water and juice drinking again, until our little baby arrived again. 

I had a feeling this time around they were going to be a boy, too, call it a hunch. 

"You okay, miss? More water?" Lacey asked me, as she made her rounds. 

"That would be lovely, Lacey. Thank you," I replied. 

Lacey poured me some drink, and then headed out of the hall. 

Nathan turned to me with a kind expression, and I felt the corner of my lip twitch slightly, as I gazed back at him momentarily, before turning my attention to the food before me. 

My stomach grumbled. 

It was safe to say that I was absolutely starving. 

"Are you alright?" Nathan asked, as I quickly ate my potatoes. 

I managed to calm myself down a little. 

I still had to uphold royal etiquette, after all. 

"I'm just fine, Nathan," I replied, and he gave a nod in return. 

"Good. I'm glad to hear it," he replied. 

I continued to eat up my food, and found it to be utterly delicious, of course. The chefs in the palace kitchens truly did deserve a raise, and this was something that I would no doubt have to convince King Nicholas of, soon. 

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