Chapter Thirty

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August 2221 

I had been in the hospital wing of the palace with my mother for a good five hours, and still no baby. So, I suppose I did need to be a little more patient, but I had good reason to be anxious. 

"How are you doing, honey?" Tina asked me, as she took my hand in hers. 

I went to answer, but then felt another sharp pain in my spine. 

"Okay, okay...nurses, can we get her more drugs?" she asked then. 

The Queen entered the room then, and met me with an expression of sympathy. 

"Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. More drugs, please," she said. 

I looked towards Diane, in order to ask her an important question. 

"Where is Nathan?" 

"He'll be here soon, love. Just hang in there," the queen told me. 

I sighed. 

"Okay," I replied, happy that the pain had eased off for a while, "Do I start pushing yet?" 

One of the nurses just turned to me to give a subtle shake of her head. 

"When can I, then?" 

My mother squeezed my hand, then. 

"Soon, love, you just need to be patient," Diane told me. 

I was trying my best. It wasn't working out all that well, though. 

The Queen let me know that she would be back soon, as she went off in search of Nathan. 

In the meantime, my mother offered me comfort for a moment, and I was glad that the pain was still not too bad. 

Piper soon entered my room, with a kind smile upon her face. 

It was honestly a relief to see her. 

"How are you doing, Trix?" she asked me, as she came to sit by my side. 

"About as well as can be expected," I admitted, "But I'll be okay." 

She nodded, with an encouraging murmur. 

"You've got this. I promise you, you're doing a much better job than I ever could. That's why I've opted for adoption," Piper said then. 

My mother just gave a slight shake of her head in disbelief. 

"I're going to be just fine!" Piper assured me, "I believe in you," she grinned. 

Well, I was glad that someone did. 

The only one who was more confident about this whole thing was Nathan, but he was still absent. 

The nurse's informed me that it was go time, and I started to push a few times, before I paused for a moment because I felt as though I might actually die. 

"You're not going to die, Trix," Piper said then. 

Well, I certainly sure hoped not. 

"Trix!" Amelie exclaimed then, as she quickly headed into my room, "Are you okay?" she asked me, taking a seat beside me. 

She met Piper's gaze for a moment to mutter a quick "Hello," to her, and then returned her attention to me. 

"I'm okay," I said. 

"I'm here for you. You're going to be just fine. We're all so proud of you," she said then, with a kind smile. 

It really did mean a lot to hear that from her. 

"Thank you, Amelie," I replied. 

She just gave a nod, then. 

I looked around the brightly lit room and tried to ignore the many needles and tubes and other things I didn't want to think about. 

There was someone relying upon me here more than anyone, and I would be meeting that person very soon. 

"Trix!" Nathan said then, as he quickly walked over towards me, and grabbed my hand in his. 

"Thank God," I replied. 

"I'm here now, are you okay?" he asked. 

Before I could respond, the nurse told me that I could push again, which I did. 

"I mean..." I just gestured generally to myself, and Nathan nodded. 

"Right, right," he said then. 

"Trixie!" Chelsea exclaimed, as she headed into the room. 

My midwives looked at my many guests then, and sighed. 

"One of you is going to need to leave," she said. 

"I'll go," Amelie stated, and she gave a gentle squeeze of my hand before heading from the room. 

"Chels, I am so glad to see you," I told her, as I turned to my blonde-haired friend, to be further encouraged by her kind smile, revealing her pearly white teeth. 

"You've got this, Trixie! I am so proud of you," she grinned. 

"Thank you," I said to her, and pushed again. 

I felt as though I was almost getting the hang of it, now, but then I would think that and feel a sharp pain again. 

The drugs had numbed most of my body, though. 

I sighed. 

"Is it here yet? I mean, he or she? The baby?" Jack asked, as he entered the room, and nervously scratched behind his neck. 

"Oh great, it's you," Chelsea said, moving a little so that Jack could squeeze in. 

"No, not just yet, Jack- ouch!" I said, as I pushed again. 

"You're doing great, sweetheart. The baby is almost here!" the nurse said as she smiled.  

"Yeah?" I asked, feeling my eyes brim with tears, but I think it wasn't just due to the pain, but more emotions more than anything.  

"Do we still not know if the baby's a boy or girl?" Jack asked then. 

"No, Jack. Keep up!" Chelsea said, as she sighed. 

"Okay," Jack nodded. 

"Are they there yet?" I sighed, pushing again. 

"Not just yet," Nathan told me, "Keep going, you're doing amazingly," he said then, as he squeezed my hand again. 

I think his encouragement was what I needed, because on the next push I heard the baby begin to cry. 

"You did it, Trix!" Nathan exclaimed. 

The nurse then cleaned up my baby, and placed her in my arms. 

"Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl," she said, "Now, what do we say we give the new mama some space?" she asked. 

My guests just turned to her for a moment, then, and the nurse's expression became more serious, as she nodded towards the door. 

"Right, right," Jack said, as he began to lead the way out. 

Nathan remained with me, though, and we looked down to our new bundle of joy. 

"What are we going to call her?" Nathan asked, then. 

I had thought about this for a while. 

"I like the name Natalia," I said. 

Nathan's eyes brightened a little, then. 

"Okay," he agreed. 

"Natalia Diane Piper Lilies," I said then. 

Nathan appeared a little surprised momentarily, then. 

"We're naming her with my last name?" he asked. 

"It seems rather fitting for a princess, don't you think?" I asked then, feeling myself smile. 

He nodded, beaming down at our precious child. 

Princess Natalia Lilies, welcome to the world. 

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