Chapter Twenty-Six

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June 2221

A few weeks had passed by since the arrest of Madame Vivienne, but the staff of the palace were still busily making preparations in case of an invasion. It was safe to say that we were all fairly concerned about the approach of the rebels from the North, but I had my own concerns, too, given that I was expected to give birth in about two months. 

I decided to return home, for at least a short while, as I believed that it would help me unwind for some time. 

Fortunately, Chelsea had been making regular visits, which I had been thankful for. She always knew just how to cheer me up. 

"So, I bought some baby outfits," she said then, "I got blue just in case it ends up being a boy...but then I decided gender roles are stupid, anyway, and just proceeded to buy several different outfits in different colours," she stated. 

I felt my eyes widen, then. 

"Chelsea, how did you even afford all of these?" I asked her, then, "Unless you got a nice old gentleman to help you afford them-" 

"Hey, I work!" she said. 

It was true. She had recently been promoted to manager of a club. 

Yes, Lilies. It was pretty amusing that she ended up working at the club that her rival, Jack co-owned, all things being considered. 

"Thank you, Chelsea. It really does mean a lot," I told her then, and she just smiled kindly back at me. 

"Room for another?" Tina asked, as she stepped inside my room. 

"Hey mum," I replied, then, with a kind smile upon my own face. 

"How's it going? Woah, Chelsea, nice outfits!" she said. 

Chelsea was sort of a fashionista. I was going to leave it up to her expert opinion to help me dress my future baby boy or girl. 

"Thank you," she said, shrugging slightly, "I do what I can," she added, and the corner of her lip twitched up slightly. 

"Well, you've certainly done well," my mother said. 

Tina then turned her attentions to me. 

"How are you doing, poppet?" she asked me. 

"I'm as well as can be expected," I said, feeling a migraine coming on. 

So, unfortunately the migraines were back; my stomach now rivaled the size of the Atlantic's blue whales and my ankles often felt incredibly sore, but I had been told that this would all be worth it. 

I just really couldn't wait to have this baby, at this point. 

I still had some time to wait, though. 

"How's Nathan?" mother asked then. 

Lacey quickly stepped into my room then, too. 

She had decided to come back to my house, as I would be staying there for a while. 

I was still visiting the palace, just not as frequently now that I was heading further into my third trimester. 

"Sorry, ma'am, I just thought I would let you know that your bubble bath's all run," Lacey told me. 

"Thank you, Lacey," I said. 

We both headed into the bathroom, and Lacey looked away for a moment as I got into the bath, before taking a seat on the clothes bin nearby. 

"You okay?" she asked me. 

I just covered my body in bubbles and relaxed, submerging myself further into the water. 

Royal MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora