Chapter Thirty-Four

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September 2221 

Soon after Madame Vivienne's death, Lord Roberto and King Nicholas formed an alliance, which meant that the Northern rebels were now....well, they weren't a thing. The unrest that occurred between the North and South was finally settled, and it seemed that all was well. 

"I swear to God he annoys me so much!" Chelsea yelled. 

Well, almost. 

"What did Jack do this time around, Chels?" I asked her. 

"I don't know...really, he just annoys me," she stated. 

I just chuckled in response to that. 

"I can't do much about that," I replied. 

She sighed in return. 

"I know," she said, her tone a little solemn. 

"Hey, cheer up. I missed you," I said, then. 

It sometimes seemed as though Chelsea and Jack's relationship was like fire and ice, because they really did seem to be like polar opposites at times. 

"And I missed you, and your adorable baby," she said then, as she held her arms out for me to pass Natalia to her. 

She grinned and squealed gently as she cuddled Natalia in her arms. 

"How are you doing miss one month old?" Chelsea asked her. 

I just smirked. 

"Trixie, I think you need to take her to the baby store, she hasn't started talking yet," she said then. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"That won't happen for a little while yet, Chels," I replied. 

"Ah," Chelsea said, nodding. 

I released a gentle laugh, and just smiled as I observed my best friend being adorable with my baby girl. 

"I still think one of her middle names should have been Anne," Chelsea said, then. 

"Chels," I said. 

"I'm just saying. It's a cool middle name. It doesn't get enough recognition," she stated. 

"And could this you wanting her middle name to be Anne be due to the fact that your middle name is Anne, Miss Chelsea Anne Knight?" I asked then. 

"I would make a cool literal knight. How's Camelot doing, by the way? He still single?" she asked. 

I just shook my head again a little. She really could be ridiculous at times. 

"I don't know," I said. It had been a while since I had last seen Camelot, admittedly. 

"So anyway, are you coming out tonight? It is my twenty-second birthday party, after all," Chelsea reminded me, then. 

I would be turning twenty-two myself, in about a month, which still seemed insane to me. It had almost been a year since the whole drama of my life had first started. 

"Yes, Chelsea. You know I'll be there!" I said. 

She just gave me a look. 

Before I could respond to that contemplative expression Chelsea had upon her face, Jack entered the room. 

"I'm here, ladies!" he said energetically, "Who missed me?" 

"Nobody," Chelsea replied. 

"Chels, be nice," I said. 

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