Chapter Seven

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Sure, it may have been slightly weird to have made friends with Nathan's best friend, and I still wasn't entirely sure if that was what was happening here. Regardless, Jack now knew my address, and as such he had assured me that he would meet with me the next morning.

The two of us planned to go and talk to him, and then I would reveal my news to him.

I was certain that he was going to be ecstatic! Why wouldn't he be?

"Hey Jack," I said, upon greeting him the next morning.

While he managed a faint smile, his expression was otherwise serious.

"Hey Trixie, are you okay?" he asked me.

I shrugged.

"Let's just do this," I replied, "Damn, dude," I said, as we approached his black Mercedes, walking along the pavement a short distance from my house.

"What?" he asked.

"How did you afford this?" I inquired.

He smiled.

"I have my ways," he said.

"Right," I said, "Did you happen to play a lot of GTA as a child?" I asked.

"I still play that now," Jack replied, as we swiftly entered his car and he started up the engine, beginning to drive to a local secluded park where we were going to be meeting Nathan.

"Remind me why he can't meet in public, again? Is he a vampire or something?" I asked.

Jack just chuckled as he parked near the, well, park.

"Or something," he said.

We got out of the car and began to walk towards the park.

I was thankful that today was a sunny day.

It didn't take us all too long to find Nathan.

"So remind me why we are here again?" Nathan asked.

Jack just gestured towards me.

"Oh," Nathan said, "Hi Trixie," he stated.

"Trixie here has something she needs to tell you about," Jack said.

I just met Jack with an anxious expression, but he appeared remarkably calm by comparison.

It wasn't exactly difficult, though.

I took a deep breath, and met Nathan's beautiful baby blue eyes once more.

Again, I didn't say that.

"Nathan, I'm pregnant," I stated.

The wind blew through his hair, and his eyes widened slightly.

"No you're not," he said.

"Uh yes I am," I said.

"I would probably believe the scary pregnant lady," Jack whispered to him.

I was certain I probably had a very irritated expression upon my face right now, but hey, it was understandable enough, right?

"I mean, by all means if you want to check- get a little flashlight and look around my uterus go right ahead. Something tells me you don't want to do that, though, Nathan. So, just take my word," I stated.

"I need some time," Nathan replied, nodding.

"Okay. Here's my number. Call me when you're done thinking," I said, passing his card back to him with my number scrawled on it this time around.

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