Chapter Eight

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I spent much of the next morning simply relaxing in my room. 

Sure, people may have been relying upon me to cook breakfast, but I was pregnant now, I had an excuse. 

It was actually turning out to be a pretty great thing, and I was even beginning to get over my morning sickness, or so I thought. 

I paced to my en-suite bathroom as I felt yet another wave of nausea. 

This was probably the fiftieth time in the past five days. Fun. 

Unfortunately, though, this was just going to have to be something I would get used to. 

Chelsea soon stepped into my room, after I had re-entered my bedroom after cleaning myself up, and she smiled. 

"Glad you're keeping your room tidy," she said, "Despite how sick you've been, it's actually pretty impressive," she stated. 

"What? My being a neat freak even in pregnancy, or the fact that I've been so sick?" I joked. 

She released a gentle giggle. 

"Are you going to tell your mother who the dad is today?" she asked. 

I sighed. 

"I'm going to have to," I replied. 

Chelsea nodded. 

The two of us headed downstairs and into the living room, to observe that my mother had the news on. 

Soon, upon the screen, Nathaniel Lilies appeared. 

Hold on, what?! 

My mother seemed to notice the fact that all the blood had drained from my face. 

I knew there was a reason that guy looked so familiar! 

It just so happened to be the case that the 'prince' I had slept with was an actual prince! Prince Nathaniel Lilies. 

How had I been so dumb as to not see this? 

Oh right, I barely read the news anymore, much less were aware that the prince was now a fully-fledged adult. The last time I had seen him on television, he had been a child. He didn't tend to make that many television appearances. 

"Trixie, what's wrong?" my mother asked me. 

"That's the father of my baby," I informed her. 

Her eyes narrowed a little, as she looked back towards the television. 

"Where is he in the crowd? I can't see him," she said. 

I gave a slight shake of my head as I sighed. 

"No, mother. Nathan is the father of my baby. The prince is the father of my baby," I said. 

A realisation dawned upon me then. 

Okay, so I was not only pregnant, I was in fact pregnant with a royal baby. 

Yes, safe to say, I was indeed regally screwed. What was I going to do now? 

I had slept with the prince of England, for goodness sake! 

This was not exactly your everyday situation. 

Although, recently, there had been nothing 'everyday' about any aspect of my life, whatsoever. 

I soon heard the doorbell ring, not allowing my mother any time to respond to my confession, and went to open the door. 

"Sorry we don't want to receive your packa-" I cut off, then, as I saw that the person stood before me was in fact Nathan. 

He wore an irritating smirk upon his face, and a button down white shirt and jeans. It was sort of obnoxious, to be honest, because I could see his nipples through his shirt. 

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