Chapter Nineteen

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April 2221

A month had passed by since Amelie had been attacked, and as much as Jack had wanted to end the concerns about future attacks, they still prevailed.

Due to this, I had been sent back home, for a short while.

The queen believed that I would be safer there. 

While I appreciated being back home, I was also faced with a range of ridiculous questions, especially from Chelsea. 

"Do I have to bow to you now that you're on your way to becoming a princess consort?" she asked me. 

"That won't be necessary," I replied. 

I actually wasn't on my way to becoming a princess. Not at all. Chelsea, though, seemed to believe that I was. 

Fortunately, a knock at the door got me out of answering any more of her enquiries, and I went to open it to find Jack stood there. 

He had been checking up on me, recently, because although there was no particular reason to believe that the North were aware of my identity, yet, he thought that was a possibility. 

He still had his many concerns about future attacks, of course. 

However, there hadn't been another attack in some time. 

I was still thankful for being home, though. 

"Hi Jack," I greeted him. 

He smiled back at me. 

"How are you doing, Trixie?" he asked me. 

"Oh, you know, same old, same old. I wish I was back at the palace so that I could actually benefit you all," I replied. 

His expression hardened. 

"You know that's not possible, Trixie," he replied. 

"And why on Earth not? Is it because I am pregnant?" I asked him. 

My intimidating stare made it seem as though Jack didn't want to answer that one. 

Before he could answer my question, Piper began to head down stairs, and Jack stepped over the threshold into the house. 

We may have been in Spring, now, but the air outside was still chilly. 

Jack's eyes widened slightly as he looked towards Piper, whose hair was now freshly dyed cotton candy pink. 

It was bright and suited her well, despite my parents complaints. 

"Hey Jack!" she said to him, beaming. 

"Hi Piper," he replied with a smile. 

So, Piper liked Jack- that was a thing. 

It was only a little, though. 

Jack had eventually moved on from his feelings for me, or at least that's what he said. 

However, I wasn't all-too sure who he liked, now. 

Either way, this was the most recent addition to my life. 

Jack visited every so often, and sadly I hadn't seen Nathan in quite a while. 

That being said, our last encounter had been slightly awkward, in the fact that he had looked as though he was going to kiss me. 

I tried not to dwell on the matter too much, but the question was still on my mind. 

Had he actually been meaning to kiss me? 

I supposed I was just going to have to wait to find that out, ultimately. 

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