Chapter One

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In hindsight, perhaps I should have realised that my life was going to be anything but simple. When I was a young girl it seemed like even gravity wanted to mess with me, and I fell out of a tree that I had climbed. I believe it was appropriate that I was named Trixie, in all honesty, when my mother would often say that I was "up to my usual tricks".

When I awoke on the morning of my 21st birthday, though- 22nd October, for those interested, I was determined to have a guilt-free, fun day. I would just simply be celebrating with my friends and family. At least, that's what I thought.

So, I set off downstairs to find my parents watching the television. However they switched it off once they caught sight of me.

"Happy birthday Trixie!" they exclaimed, causing me to immediately grin.

"Thank you guys!" I replied with a sincere smile.

I mean, it was good that they remembered. I'm only kidding. I loved my parents. They were hardly going to forget.

My mother stepped into the kitchen to begin to cook up some breakfast waffles. A birthday staple, of course.

When my mother had been 21, she had her first child and my older sister- Piper. She hadn't been expecting it, but Piper had been a happy surprise. And while I may not have necessarily had the same life schedule in my mind (let's face it- I was only just 21, children were way, way off the table), I had always been a tolerant person- accepting of other people's choices even if I may not necessarily agree with them. Of course, it was a blessing in disguise even if my mother hadn't seen it as such at the time. She had my sister Piper, a girl who I loved more than anything, even if she could be a bit of a nightmare to deal with at times.

My mother got pregnant during a one night stand. Ultimately I knew that I wouldn't have one. I suppose I just believed it more important to form a good connection with someone before sleeping with them.

Anyhow, my mother broke me from my thoughts when she announced that breakfast was ready, and so I went to eat up my syrup covered waffles and smiled.

After my mother had Piper, she and my father got engaged and as they were both still together, you can imagine how that one turned out! Pretty well, huh?

A few years later I came along- planned this time around. Trixie Iris Jems, to give my full legal name. I had always had a love-hate relationship with my name because yes, it was weird in my opinion, but unique, too. I had no choice but to love it over time.

The "Iris" part of my name came from my father's mothers name. I missed her, but unfortunately after dealing with dementia for some time, she was no longer with us. After losing her I realised that I could never take a moment with my family for granted. They meant all the world to me.

"I'll see you soon, mum," I told her with a smile before heading upstairs to get on with some writing.

Before I knew it, lunchtime had come around, and so I wandered back downstairs to help my mother prepare it. I had always been reliable like that, wanting to help my family with small tasks around the house and so much more.

Pasta. My favourite.

"What's your plan for this evening, Trix?" my mother asked me as she stirred the pasta in the saucepan again.

I had planned to go clubbing with Chelsea, my best friend, in all honesty.

"I'm having a get together," I said, but the pitch of my voice rose. I had never been good at lying. "Okay," I admitted, "I'm going clubbing with Chelsea," I whispered.

My mother simply winked.

I knew that my father may not have necessarily wanted me going drinking. I mean, he was a doctor, but hey at least my mother supported me in my search for amusement.

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