Come Over

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I'm not a big fan of this chapter, but I hope you guys find it alright! I'm sorry it took me a while to update... A bunch of stuff is going on at once and it's kind of overwhelming. Anyways, I hope you all accept my apology, and I promise to update at least twice a week from now on! Also, I will be answering questions that you put in the comments, so feel free to ask anything! With that said, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!

Deku pov

After Hitoshi leaves, I take out my phone and go to text Kacchan. But just before I'm about to text him to come over, I rethink it. 

Should I really tell him? 

Pathetic. You can't even keep a secret. Hitoshi already found out, so Kacchan probably knows too. He probably just doesn't care enough to say anything. Wait... Don't tell me you want help?! You disgust me. What a pussy. Can't you just help yourself? Cut already! It'll take me away, your worries, everything. Maybe you can just cut deep enough to end your miserable life. No one would miss you. Come on. 

Great. Now the voices are back. 

I knock myself on the head a couple times to try to make the voices leave. I groan softly and put my phone down. I stand up and open the door. I walk down the stairs and make my way to the dining table where the rest of my family were seated. 

I sat down at the table and picked up my fork. I gulp nervously and grab a forkful of soba. I look at Hitoshi for reassurance, and clench my jaw. He nods and smiles softly. I put the soba in my mouth and chew. I swallow hesitantly and take a deep breath. Aizawa's eyes avert to me, and his eyes soften. "Dad? What is it?", Eri says, pulling on Aizawa's sleeve. He turns to her and pats her head. "Nothing, Eri. Just eat your soba.", he smiles.

I eat a little less than half of my food before deciding that I'm done. Aizawa nods and begins to clear the table. I start clearing with him and begin on the dishes. "You don't have to do that, little listener!", Hizashi says. "No, I insist! I'd feel bad if I didn't help.", I state. He raises his hands in defeat and keeps clearing the table. 

After dinner, Hitoshi and I go up to his room. "Wanna watch something?", Hitoshi suggests while holding up the T.V. remote. "Sure.", I shrug. He smirks and I take a seat on his bed. 

After a few hours, I yawn and stretch my arms, earning a chuckle from Hitoshi. "You tired?", he asks. I nod slowly and sigh. I check the time, but have to look again to make sure I'm seeing it right. "You good?", Hito asks. "I-it's four in the morning...", I stutter. "Damn, we should get to sleep.", he snickers.

I stand up and wobble around, trying to find the door. "You know, walking in the dark after sitting for hours isn't the best combination", I say while stumbling around. "Hah! Sorry about that.", Hitoshi says, still slightly snickering. 

I make my way to the door and open it. Shinso turns the hallway light on and I enter my own room. I climb into bed, forgetting to change out of my casual clothes, too tired to care. 

Time Skip to Morning

"Did I fall asleep in my clothes?", I ask myself groggily. I rub my eyes and ruffle my unruly hair, only making it worse. I walk over to my bathroom and look in the mirror. Now that I think about it, I don't look as bad as I did. But...I'm still fat. I sigh and grab my hairbrush. I attempt to tame my messy hair, but only end up frizzing it. 

"I look like a fluffy broccoli...", I sigh. 

I take another look at my stomach and groan. I feel like I've gotten fatter. 

Wow. What a pig. You're so disgusting. I can't believe you were even taken in by this family! You honestly can't even think that people actually want you. Go die. Cut deeper. You know you want to. 

I whimper and close the bathroom door. I shakily reach for the drawer containing my blades and bandages. I take out a small blade and hold it against my skin.













I sigh in relief, satisfied after holding out for so long. I start to clean the blood off of my arm when I realize what I'd done. I drop the blade, making a clanging sound on the marble floor. My breath hitches when I hear a knock on the door. 

"Izuku? You okay?"

I sigh in relief. It's Hitoshi. I wrap my bandages and pick up the blade, putting it back in the drawer. After I'm done, I open the door and feign an innocent look. "Yeah. Why?", I say. He sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Izu, you can't lie to me. I already know.", he says with concern. 

I begin to tremble as tears prick the corner of my eyes. He pulls me into a hug and I hug back. Tears begin to flow down my cheeks as I sniffle, trying to hold them in. "It's okay. You don't have to keep it in. I'm here.", he reassures. 

As soon as he said that, I let out a choked sob. I break down, my tears soaking his shirt. He continues to hug me while whispering comforting things and rubbing my back in circles. 

He sits me down on the bed and I begin to calm down. After a few minutes my sobs have subsided and I'm showing him my new cuts. He ruffles his eyebrows in concern and takes out my phone. "W-what are you doing?", I sniffle. "Telling Bakugou to come over.", he replies.

"But why?" "So you can tell him." My eyes widen and I try to grab my phone, but he manages to keep it away. "He'll be over in a few.", Hitoshi says calmly. I glare at him and he glares back, with concern in his stare. "If you don't tell him, I'll do it myself.", Hitoshi threatens. I sigh and hang my head in defeat. 

He hugs me again and says, "You can do it, okay?". I nod as he exits the room so I can change.

Hello! It's been a few days! I am truly sorry for not updating in almost a week. I know it's not that long, but for me, it's kind of an eternity... Anyways, my next bakudeku story will either be some sort of badass Deku or the whole omegaverse fantasy au. I will go into detail later, but it would mean a lot if y'all voted! Put your vote in the comments and I will choose based off of that! Of course I will be doing both stories in the future, but I don't know which one to do first and it's kind of hard to write two stories at once... Well, I hope y'all are staying healthy and safe! Love y'all sm!

Can't Escape (Depressed Izuku x Bakugou)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang