No, Please...

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Katsuki pov

The day went by as usual. Except for one thing. Deku. He's been acting strangely. I saw his father hit him and kick him out the door earlier this morning. At first it didn't really concern me until I saw Deku up close. He looked dead. His skin was pale and he was frail. I tried asking him about it, but it clearly made him uncomfortable. I decided to find out on my own.

As the day ended, I head over to Deku's desk. He looks up at me and tries to put on a mask. Bullshit. "Deku, what are you hiding? Why are you so...out of it?", I ask. His jaw clenches and he grips his backpack harder. "Nothing, Kacchan! You still coming over later?", he says with a small smile on his face. "Damn it, Deku! Why won't you tell me? I'm trying to help you here!", I yell. He does something that completely surprises me. He begins to giggle. I give him a bit of a confused and worried look. 

He lifts his head, still giggling. He gives me a broken smile. His eyes heart pangs. This guys face-

"Kacchan? Trying to help me? How strange! Wasn't it just yesterday that you told me to kill myself?", he giggles with anger lingering in his voice. "Deku, snap out of it. You're acting really weird.", I say a slight bit scared. "Weird? Is that so! Y'know, I'm not one to yell...", he said softly with the smile still lingering on his face. "WELL GUESS WHAT! HERE I AM! I'M YELLING AT YOU! HAHAHAHA! WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED!", he yelled with an insane smile on his face.

At this point, I was a word away from trembling in fear. Not for me, but for him. "Deku, I-" I get cut off by him yelling, "YOU MADE MY LIFE HELL! NOT TO MENTION MY FUCKING HOME LIFE! I SWEAR TO GOD, KACCHAN! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! SO STOP TRYING TO PRY INTO THE SITUATION UNLESS YOU WANT ME DEAD! OH WAIT! I FORGOT! YOU DO! I...I can't...I..." He lets out a choked sob and falls to his knees. I feel...terrified. What have I done? This boy is...

He gets up after wiping his tears and starts heading out of the room with me frozen in my place. Before he can get past me, he leans into my ear. "Don't bother coming over. I would rather you didn't.", he whispered in my ear. 

Yeah, there is no way I'm not seeing what is going on in his house. 

After a few minutes, I gain my composure and walk home. I was still shaken by what had just happened. Deku's words ringed in my head on repeat. 

I headed straight for my room, changing into something more casual. 

I head over to Deku's house and ring the doorbell. I hear thumping and the door swings open. "Katsuki! What a nice surprise!", Inko says with a forced and slightly angry smile. It doesn't sound like it's a nice surprise...

"Izuku, you little whor-ANGEL! You little angel! You didn't tell me Katsuki was coming over!", Inko yells with emphasis on the word "angel". She was definitely not going to say angel to say the least. 

Deku stares at the sight of me at his doorstep. He then glares and his dad glances at him. Deku flinches and looks at him in utter and complete fear. What was going on with this family? 

"Hey, Deku.", I mumble with a small wave. He glares and then says, "Hi, Kacchan." He's wearing black skinny jeans and an oversized Thrasher hoodie. He looked pretty cute. Wait, what?! Did I just call Deku cute?! Damn...

I was let into their house and instantly smelled Katsudon. "We just got done eating dinner. Feel free to help yourself to the rest!", Inko says. I try to act civilized and respectful. "No, no! That's alright!", I insisted. Ewww...acting like this is giving me chills. Deku looks at me and snickers, realizing what I'm doing, but that laugh soon fades at the sight of his father. 

Can't Escape (Depressed Izuku x Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now