Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

*Blair's POV*

Jason and I ran out of the club, jumped in the car and sped all the way to the hospital. He pulled into a spot sharply and jumped out of the car. We both ran across the parking lot into the hospital and straight up to the desk.

"Where is Justin McCann?" He asked the woman at the desk impatiently.

"One moment, sir," she began typing away on her computer while Jason was tapping his fingers on the counter. He runs his hands through his hair and yells, "Will you hurry the fuck up!"

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Jason, you have to calm down." He pushes my hand off of him. "Don't tell me what the fuck to do!" He growls at me. I just look down. I know he's upset, but he's never treated me like this.

"It's room 518. Top floor." The nurse says cautiously. Jason takes off running towards the elevator. I tell the woman thanks before taking off my shoes and running after him. He clicks the button on the elevator and taps his foot until the door opens. He rushes in and I follow.

The elevator dings and we rush out and through the hall. It's like a dramatic movie in slow motion. A man and woman carrying her heels running through the halls of a crowded hospital to get to a dying loved one. Then the nightmare, the loved one is already dead.

Jason barged into the door to see Justin's lifeless body hooked up to many machines and doctor beside the bed. "What's going on?" Jason asks. The doctor looks up from his clipboard, "Justin is brain dead. He's barely alive and there is no way he's going to wake up. I need consent from a family member to pull the plug."

Jason shoved his hands into his hair, "How did this happen?"

"A bullet to the head. I suppose a drug deal gone wrong." The doctor responded. Jason groaned. "I tried to warn. I tried to tell him not to do this shit anymore. Dammit, Justin, why can't you listen? Get me the paperwork. No reason to keep this going any longer." Jason says with tears streaming down his face. As I walk more into the room, the doctor walks out.

"Jase," I whisper. He looks up at me, "I'm sorry, Blair. I didn't mean to be an asshole to you." I sigh and walk over to him. He pulls me into his lap. "Babe, it's okay. I know that this is a lot for you to handle." I say to him kindly.

"I love you," he breaths out. I kiss his lips gently, "I love you too."

The doctor walks in and hands Jason the papers. "Sign on the dotted line." He says. Jason does as he is told and hands the papers back. The doctor grabs them and walks over to one of the machines. He pulls the plug and the heart monitor goes flat. Jason leans his head into my neck. I can feel his tears soaking my skin.

"Nothing will be the same anymore," he whispers as the tears continue to pour from his eyes.

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