Chapter 10

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He closed his eyes tight and opened them again then spoke, "I know it won't be good if she finds out, but I can't stay away from you. I tried to. Honestly, I did, but I couldn't. It's like I'm drawn to you. Blair, I.... Never mind let's just go to bed."

I leaned up and gently attached our lips. He kissed me back instantly but this kiss was different from usual. This one was more sweet and passionate. It was magical.

When we finally pulled apart we smiled at each other as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me in close. I inhaled his sweet, addicting scent as I began to drift off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to a loud banging on the door. It woke Jason up to and we were both confused until we heard Eri's voice float through the wooden door, "Daddy, I can't find Blair but her car is here!"

I looked up at him with guilty eyes as he looked down at me with shame in his eyes. I could feel his chest moving up and down as he spoke in a guilty tone, "Ok, baby girl. I will be down in five minutes."

I heard her footsteps disappear as I got up out of the bed. I looked at Jason and sighed. "I have a plan. Go downstairs and act as if you have no idea where I am. I will take care of the rest."

He nodded as I turned around to peek out the door. Seeing my route was clear, I quietly dashed into the guest room I had been staying in.

I shut the door without a sound and walked over to my purse. I grabbed my iPod and put my headphones in and around my neck as if I had been listening to music.

I gave Jason time to get downstairs before slowly making my way down and into the kitchen. Eri's eyes widened as she saw me and she began yelling at me, "Where the hell have you been?"

"I was listening to music and just dancing around me I fell and hit the closet doorknob making it open. When I saw all the clothes and shoes in there I got lost in Wonderland."

"Oh, well you had me worried."

I open my mouth to respond but before I could my phone rang. It was my mom.

(Convo: B is Blair & M is her mom)

B - Hello

M - Hey, honey. I just wanted to let you know that your father and I have to go out of town for two weeks and Maya (housekeeper) is on vacation. You will be home alone. There is plenty of money on the card since I know you can't cook.

B - Yes, I would just love to be lonely for two weeks, mom.

M - Sorry, sweetie. I gotta go though. We are boarding the flight. Love you.

She hung up the phone before I could even respond. Jason and Eri were staring at me with questioning looks. I rolled my eyes and told them what my mom had said.

Eri jumped up excitedly. "What if you stay with us for two weeks, so you don't have to be alone! We can have girls night every night!"

Jason almost spit out his orange juice. I wanted to laugh so bad but I couldn't. Eri turned to him giving him the puppy dog eyes and pocking out her lip.

*Jason's POV*

"Damn, Eri, Will ya stop doing that! She can stay!" I threw my hands up in defeat as both the girls giggled.

I looked Blair up and down. She is so beautiful. What am I saying! She is 17! She is also my student and my daughters best friend....... But I can't help it. She's got me in a trance that I just can't get out of. This week is going to be hell having this girl in the house.

Blair interrupted my thoughts as I heard her angelic voice begin to speak. "I am going to go home and pack. I will be back here around 8. Bye guys!" She waved to us as she walked out the door.

I went into the living room and began watching Criminal Minds. I had been thinking about Blair nonstop for the past hour. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my keys, told Eri I had some things to do, and raced out to my car speeding off to the club.

I walked in and sat down at the bar. It was pretty empty right now which suited me just fine. Tony walked over to me smiling and I asked for a strong shot of whiskey and to keep them coming. After about my third shot he spoke up, "Rough day, bud?"

"You have no idea. I can't get my mind off of this girl. I can't have her and I know that, but I just can't stay away."

"Sounds tuff." I just nodded my head as I downed another shot.

A few shots turned into me getting drunk off my ass. Tony took my keys. I stumbled out of the club and just started walking. I ended up at Blair's house knocking on the door. She opened the door a few minutes after and my jaw dropped at the sight of her.

She eyed me, "Jason, what are you doing here? Are you drunk?"

I smirked and stumbled a little but managed to slur out some words. "Very! I'm very drunk, Blair! But guess what? I'm not drunk enough to not know how I feel. I know why I can't stop thinking about you and why I feel like I'm on cloud 9 when I kiss you! It's because I'm in love with you, Blair!"

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