Chapter 1

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Last year, I never would have imagined I would ever be popular but things change. Everyone knows my name. My group isn't the kind that are all glitzy and girly and well whores. We are the rebel badasses that you don't want to mess with. We aren't exactly mean, but I wouldn't suggest crossing our paths.

We are a really close group. We all care for one another. There is six of us. Cole, Drew, Mason, Eden, Marisa, and me. I am closest to Mason. He is gay, but I am the only breathing person who knows that. He likes to hangout with me because I would never judge him and he can be himself.

I guess you could say I am close to Drew but in a different way. Drew and I are more like friends with benefits. I don't love him and he don't love me. That's the way we both like it. Our friends don't know, but I am sure they are suspicious. When one of us are stressed or just looking for a good time then we let it out with each other. I could never love Drew.

Now, my family. I'm an only child. My parents do love me, but we aren't really close. My daddy and I use to be best buddies but things change.

They let me do whatever I want and give me any money I need. They never say no. That's the problem. I need them to be parents and to say no. I've tried so many times and I've even been arrested for petty theft and underage drinking but still they didn't stop me. If I thought doing drugs would get their attention then I would do them but drugs won't so I won't do them. I have never wanted to anyway.

My life may seem perfect to some. Rich, free to do anything, friends, sex. But it's not. I'm not exactly passing my classes, I am troubled by my past, nightmares keep me up all night, feeling alone, and so much more. I'm depressed. I did cut for a little while, but I found drinking is better than cutting. I still have scars and sometimes I still do it. Life isn't always what it seems.....

And apparently neither are people....

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