Chapter 5

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I walked into school Monday feeling groggy as ever. I'm not exactly a morning person and Mr. O'Riley is pretty use to me being late on Mondays. I looked at my phone to check the time. One minute till I'm late and I'm on the other side of the school. Just my luck.

I noticed that the date was May 4th and then it hit me. Our new teacher is here and not Mr. O'Riley. I started running to class which really wasn't getting me very far considering I am in heels.

The ball rang and I knew I was gonna be late. I walked into class about a minute late but the teacher didn't notice because he had his back turned to the desk as he was writing on the bored. I thank God for a door in the back of the classroom. I sat down and put my bag on the floor as his eyes caught with mine. I lightly gasped. It couldn't be him.... But it was.

Jason was our new teacher. I had sex with my new History teacher while we were both drunk. The whole class looked at me as they noticed Jason and I staring at one another. A boy in the class cleared his throat and we both snapped out of it as he began speaking.

"Hello everybody. I am Mr. McCann and I will be taking over for Mr. O'Riley." Gosh he had the voice of a god. How in the hell am I suppose to focus with this alcoholic sex god as my teacher.

I sighed and began taking notes on our upcoming project he was assigning. I was anticipating class being over.

The bell finally rang! As soon as I stood up to gather my things, Mr. McCann called me, "Blair, could you please stay back for a moment?"

I took in a deep breath and walked to his desk. This was his planning period and I had study hall so there is really no way of making this end soon.

Once I was standing in front of him, he spoke, "You lied to me! Hell, I had sex with a damn minor!"

I scoffed, "I did not lie to you! You never asked me how old I was! You assumed I was within age because I was in the club and drinking! I, like most other 17 year olds, have a fake ID! How old are you anyway?"

"I'm 35!"

I laughed a bit, "Old man..."

"I am not old!"


"You're just a little girl!"

I scoffed again and smirked, "I'm a little girl? I have thoughts of pushing you back and doing you on that table right now since I can't remember if you were good or not because I was drunk. Now, would a little girl have thoughts like that?"

Just as I finished my rant, Erica walked in. She smiled a Jason, "Hey Blair! Hey daddy! How was your first class?"

My jaw dropped and I hollered out, "Daddy? This is your dad?"

"Yeah...." She spoke in a confused manor.

"Wait, Eri (Pronounced like: air-ie) is this your new best friend that you've been talking about?" Jason asked eyeing her.

"Yeah... What's wrong with that?"

"Baby girl, can you give me and Blair a minute, please? I'll talk to you in third period, ok?" Jason spoke softly.

Erica eyed us for a second then nodded and walked out the door.

"Fuck! I had sex with a minor and on top of that I am now her teacher and best friends dad!" He hollered out as he waved his hands dramatically.

"Look, I don't think it is that big of a deal. It just needs to stay between us. Erica definitely doesn't need to know and you can't make it so damn obvious in class that something has been going on between us."

"Ok. Let's just forget it ever happened."

"I gotta go, but I'm going to be at that exact club on Friday so don't go."

"Wait a minute! I need some drinks after finding out all this bullshit! Why can't you go somewhere else?"

"It's the only damn place I can get in! I gotta go!" I turned to walk out the door.

"Hey, you look sexy today by the way!" He smirked and I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I walked out the door.

Her outfit:

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