Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

We were sitting on the couch cuddling in our pajamas when realization struck.

"Jason, we can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?"

"Seeing each other."

He sat up straighter and looked me dead in the eyes. "Why not? We love each other!"

"I know, but your daughter comes first."

"She can learn to accept us! You turn eighteen soon and then we won't have to hide from anyone. Please, Blair, don't leave me."

"Jase, what about Erica?"

He groaned and stood up as he ran his hands through his hair. He looks so torn right now. I know he loves his daughter and I know he loves me.

*Justin's POV*

"Erica! Open your door! Now!"

"No! Go away!"

"Eri, I'm not your dad. I'm Justin."

The door was pulled open immediately.


"Your dad and I traded places. I got into some trouble and needed him to get me out."

"So, who's really seeing Blair?"

I walked in and sat on her bed. She walked over and sat beside me.

"Erica, your dad is seeing Blair. She lied to you earlier. They're in love. I was simply playing the part. Okay, I'm partially lying. I did have a small crush on Blair but I'm over it now. We kissed and there was nothing there. No sparks or anything. At least talk to your dad and let him explain."

"Uncle Jus, I am so confused."

"Join the club, sweetheart."

"Why would they do this to me?" She started crying even more. I wrapped my arms around her and gently stoked her hair.

"I don't know. You need to talk to them."

"Can you call them and tell them to come here?"

I sighed. This is going to be hell. Jason and I have things these girls don't need to know about and it's on the verge of being spilt.

"Okay, but they won't be able to come till tomorrow because they are at my house in Daytona."

"Okay. Goodnight, Uncle Jus."

"Night, Eri."

*Jason's POV*

"Blair, she's read to talk." I told her. I finally sat down from the constant pacing. I placed my hand on her thigh and looked in her eyes. She slowly nodded her head. How am I suppose to choose between the love of my life who I can't live without and my daughter who means everything to me?

I leaned in and placed my lips on hers. Our lips fit together like a puzzle. She kissed me back instantly. I picked her up and placed her in my lap so she is straddling me. Not even for a second did I remove my lips from hers. She was the first to pull away.

"We need to get to bed. We have a long drive tomorrow."

I groaned and lifted her up with me as I stood. She squealed lightly and instantly wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"Baby, I'd never drop you." I whispered in her ear. I feel like there was extra meaning to that sentence. I think she noticed it to.

I walked into Justin's room and placed her on the bed gently. I crawled on top of her, looking deeply in her eyes. She reached up and kissed me. The kiss was hungry but passionate; rough but gentle; desperate but loving. She ran her fingers through my hair gently tugging on the strands at the bottom of my neck. She rolled us over so she could straddle me. Her lips trailed down my jawline and to my neck. She kissed below my ear my tugging on my hair. That set my hormones off. I moaned as I grasped onto her butt.

Tonight, I let her take control. Tonight was different from all the other times we had sex. Tonight we made love. Tonight we both showed just how much we care for each other.

Tomorrow, Justin is going to kill me for doing this in his bed.

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