Chapter 3

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It's Friday night and I guess you could say I had an eventful week. Me and Erica have become closer. She is actually like the best friend I've ever had besides Mason. My friends are pretty upset that I've been hanging out with her more than them. Drew is really mad to that I've blown him off for his needs three times this week. Tonight I have a date with Jake who I've been texting frequently and I am super excited.


Erica came over to help me get ready for my date with Jake and was going to leave after I left. She insisted on doing my makeup and hair. I'm actually glad she did. It's gorgeous. She curled my blonde hair and added dark eye liner and mascara to my eyes. Cute and simple. She chose my outfit also.

"Blair, he is going to be here any minute! Go get dressed!" She yelled shoving my clothes in my hand and pushing me into the bathroom. I got dressed quickly and walked out to see Erica's jaw drop.

"Damn girl you are fine!" I giggled at her compliment and walked to the mirror to check myself out. I do look good. I heard the doorbell ring and I looked at Erica who just shrugged and kept looking through my new Cosmo.

"Bye, girly!" I yelled walking out of my room and down to the door.

When I opened the door Jake was standing there in a tight black v-neck with dark jeans, a leather jacket and some gray high tops. He looked so fine.

"Hey, Blair. You look gorgeous!" He said with a shy smile.

"You do to." I mumbled but I knew he heard it because he laughed and looked down.

I closed my door and we walked to his car. He opened the door for me like a gentleman and I got in. The ride was pretty silent but not exactly an awkward silence.

After about 10 minutes of driving we stopped at a park. He got out and came to my side opening to door for me and grabbing my hand to help me out.

"I thought you might enjoy a nice quiet picnic for just the two of us." He said smiling as he led me across a playground and behind some trees to a cute little spot with candles, a picnic basket, and a blanket.

We talked and got to know each other while eating pasta his mom made and drinking white grape juice in wine glasses. It was the perfect date.... Or so I thought.

We were just sitting and talking when I saw a figure in the distance. It seemed to be a feminine figure walking towards us.

I heard Jake whisper, "Shit!"

The woman walked up to us as Jake stood up. She slapped him. "How could you do this to me, Jakey? I thought you loved me!"

Wait, Jakey? I stood up then and put my hand on my hips looking at him waiting for an explanation.

"Look, Val-" he started but was cut off by me saying, "Who are you?"

She looked at me and scoffed, "I'm his girlfriend!"

"Hold up! You asked me out on a date while you have a girlfriend?" I shook my head. This is seriously happening.

"I broke up with her, but she clearly didn't get it!" He spat out quickly but I had already begun walking away. I was so fed up with boys crap.

I walked all the way to my favorite club, Sunnis Vio. I had a fake ID. I walked straight to the bar and sat down running my hands through my hair.

"Hey, Tony! I need some JD(Jack Daniels) over here!" I yelled to the bartender who made my drink and brought it to me. I chugged it down and told him to keep them coming.

My vision was getting blurry and I knew I had a buzz going on. A really hot guy walked up and sat beside me and hollered for Tony, "Aye, Tony! Get this pretty little lady a special drink on my tab, please!"

I smiled and said thanks as I downed the drink. He asked me if I wanted to dance and I was all for it being that I was drunk off my ass. We grinded and danced to the loud music. He was behind me with his hands on my hips and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He pulled me closer whispering in my ear, "You wanna go to my place?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand pulling me behind him.

We walked around a few corners and up some steps to his house. He unlocked the door pulling me inside and up to what I suppose was his room. He shut the door and connected our lips as be pinned me against the door with his hips. His hands traveled down my body and he moved his lips down to my neck as my fingers went to his hair. I gently pulled as he moaned and picked me up slamming me on the bed.

I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but I was drunk and I needed it.


A/N: I know you can open the links from Wattpad but I write these for and then copy and paste them here so just go with it

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