Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I ran till I couldn't run anymore. I realized that I am in an alley somewhere. Not good. I wrapped my as around my body and slowly began walking. I was almost out of the alley when someone's hand went over my mouth. My eyes went wide.

"Shhhh!" He whispered in my ear. I whimpered quietly as I was dragged back into the alley. I closed my eyes as tears poured out. I felt my body being shoved against the wall.

"Open your eyes." He whispered. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. It sent shivers down my spine. Slowly my eyes opened as his hand came from my mouth.

"Drew?" I spoke. His hand went back over my mouth instantly. "Be quiet!" He whisper shouted. I nodded my head and he removed his hand

"What are you doing?" I quietly asked.

"Saving your ass."

Well, he's angry.

"From what?"

"Blair, Justin is outside of this alley with a gang and they are after you."

I scoffed. "Why would they be after me?"

He rolled his eyes. "Jason. You took Jason from them. He was the best in the business."

"Why would Justin be after me?"

"It's his gang, Blair."

"Whatever." I pushed him away and started walking towards the exit of the alley. I saw Justin as soon as I stepped out.

"Hey, Justin!" I waved at him.

"Hey, Blair! Have you seen Jason?"

"Um, about an hour ago. We got into a fight and I ran out." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh, everything okay?" He asked as his eyebrows furrowed.

"No." I started walking away. It's really eerie out here at night and I really need to find somewhere to stay for the night. I headed towards the side of the street with light. My phone started ringing, so I pulled it out of my back pocket. It's the number to the jail.

I answered it immediately. "Hello?"

A man responded, "Is this Blair Evans?"

"Um, yeah."

"I have a man here by the name of Jason McCann who asked for you."

I scoffed. "Why is he there?"

"He turned himself in. Something about being a drug dealer and losing the love of his life."

I groaned. "I'll be there in ten minutes.

I walked through the doors of the police station forty minutes after ten. I walked up to the desk to see a buff black man sitting behind it. He looked up and smiled.

"How may I help you?"

"Um, I'm here for Jason McCann."

He looked at his computer screen for a moment before looking back up at me. "Ms. Evans?"


He stood up. "Follow me this way."

He lead me to a room where Jason was sitting in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs. The man opened the door for me and closed it once I entered. I sat down in front of him.

"You look like crap." I broke the ice. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Well, you look beautiful."

"Okay, Jason, cut the crap. Why are you in here and why did you call for me?"

He sighed as he leant back in his chair. "I couldn't handle you leaving me. I went a little crazy and destroyed the bar I went to. I was drunk and hysterical and I turned myself in. For all my drug deals, all my killings, and the bar. They are going to get me help."

"What do you mean by 'get you help'?"

"You were right, Blair. I lied. I'm addicted to coke and I need to stop. Before you came along I wouldn't have cared but if it means losing you, I'll get help."

I ran my hands over my face as I groaned. "I hate how I can't stay mad at you."

"Blair, I know I don't deserve it," he grabbed my hands, "but please give me a second chance."

I looked deep into his beautiful brown eyes. I love this man. He may be a little fucked up. I may be a little fucked up. Our relationship is fucked up. None of that seems to matter when I'm with him. All the bull shit, the flaws and imperfections, they all just disappear when we are together. I don't want to be with him. He's done so much for me and helped me through so much, I think he deserves a second chance.

My eyes softened as I smiled at him. "I love you, Jason."

His smile spread across his beautiful face. Nothing could wipe that smile off his face and I am glad that I'm the one who caused it. "I love you, Blair."

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