Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Jason's POV*


There was screeching through the phone and the sounding of a crash. I kept screaming her name but got no answer. In a panic, I picked up Justin's phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"I think my girlfriend was in a wreck on the way to the hospital! I was on the phone with her and she said she had a busted head and I heard screeching and a crash!"

"What is her name, sir?"

"Blair Evans."

"Help is on the way."

I hung up and ran out to the car. Justin and Erica were asking what's going on but I just told them to shut up and get in. I started driving and soon came upon a place with many cop cars and an ambulance. I saw Blair's car crushed into a light pole. Tears started coming out of my eyes as I jumped out of the car. I ran towards the scene but a cop stopped me.

"Stop! I have to get through! That's my girlfriend!" I yelled to the cop. I looked behind them and saw her on a gurney and in a neck brace being pushed into an ambulance.

"Sir, they are going to the hospital. You can meet them there."

I shouted a few swear words before turning around and running to the car. I jumped in and started speeding down some back roads to get to the hospital. I stopped the car behind the ambulance in the emergency center and jumped out telling Justin to park. I ran into the hospital after the medics pushing Blair. I could only get a glimpse of her before they pushed her away.

"Where are you taking her?" I yelled at one of the young medics.

"Sir, we are taking her into the emergency room to check what is wrong with her. Please wait in the waiting room."

I spat out more swear words as he walked away. Erica and Justin came in and we walked into the waiting room. I slid down the wall with my hands in my hair as I shook my head.

It took four hours for a doctor to come in. He called out for Blair's family and I jumped up stumbling to the doctor.

"Are you her father?" He asked me. Normally, this would be kinda funny but not when we are in a situation like this.

"No, I'm her boyfriend."

"Where are her parents?"

"They aren't here. I tried calling them but no answer."

"I see. Well, she had a collapsed lung so we had to operate on her and she broke two bones in her left wrist. We also had to put thirteen stitches in the back of her head which I was told occurred before the accident?"


"Losing so much blood caused her to blackout and crash. Do you know what happened to her?"

"No, doctor."

"Okay, well, you may see her, but she is sedated."

"Thanks." He nodded and lead us to her room. She looked lifeless. Her skin pale, her lips chapped, and her hands cold. It really breaks my heart seeing her like this. She has many scratches and bruises including a pink cast on her arm. I sat down in the chair next to her and held on tight to her hand.

After six hours, Justin and Erica went home. I refused to leave Blair. I looked up at her peacefully sleeping face. I felt her hand move and my eyes widened. Soon, her eyes opened and she looked confused.


"I'm right here, baby. Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah. Mason sent my parents a tape of you and I in bed." She stopped for a few breaths. "They called me a whore and tramp. Mom slapped me so hard I fell and hit my head on the wall. She kicked me out and I was driving here I called you but everything started to go black."

"I am so sorry, baby! This is all my fault."

"No. It's Mason's."

I didn't know what to say so I just kissed her hand. I looked up into her eyes and a small smile spread across her lips.

"Will you lay with me?" She asked softly.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You just had surgery."

"I don't care. I'm tired and I can't sleep without you."

I sighed. She could get me to do anything. I kicked off my shoes and stood up. She scooted over a little giving me room to climb in. Once I was in the bed, I very gently picked her up and placed her in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled into my body. It wasn't long before I heard soft snores. I smiled and kissed her head before going to sleep myself.

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