"What I am being honest" I said shrugging my shoulders then finally left the bed to remove the clothes I had on since morning from the time I went to talk to my father.

"So that's what we are doing now huh?" He asked amusement clear in his voice and I turned my head looking at him as continued to open the buttons of the shirt I had on.

"Yes Lucas. Honesty. Transparency and trust.
That's what we are doing" I said then went back to unbottoning my shirt as he sat and watched me.

For a moment he did not reply making me look at him again this time as I removed my shirt.
I wanted to see his face.

What he was thinking of and just like how I thought.
His gaze was on me.

"I can work with that" he said looking at me and I unclasped my bra.
Finally some freedom.

Tossing it aside next to the basket of dirty clothes I went to unbuttoning my trousers.

"I can sense a but" I said looking at him over my shoulder and I saw his tense shoulders relax.

He did not answer for a moment making both of us pause waiting for his answer.
A pin could even be heard if it dropped but the silence did not last long.

"Stop hiding things from me we should also communicate and last but not least stop being so hard headed." He said and I could feel him looking at me.

Chucking I finally removed my trousers leaving myself in only a thong and after I tossed them in the bucket too I turned to look at him.

"Is this the part where you ask me to be your girl?" I asked looking at him and his eyes roamed all over my body.

He didn't answer instead he chuckled making me roll my eyes as I walked to find a robe or a towel.

"You became my girl the time you poured that whiskey on me.
You just did not realise it at that time" he said shrugging his shoulders and I laughed in amusement as I remembered how I walked out of there feeling extra powerful.

Looking at him with a raised brow silently asking him how he got so close I felt his hand snaking on my bare waist as his other hand snatched the towel that was in my hand.

Sneaky ass.

"Did I tell you how much you offended me on that day?" I asked looking at him this time full on facing as my hands made their way around his neck.

He smiled.

"Did I tell you that you were the only one I accused of wanting to sleep with me?" He asked chuckling making me throw my head back with a laugh.

I didnt answer as he smiled down on me.

This man was really tall.

"So you professionally interviewed the rest then decided to call me a whore?" I asked looking at him with my brows raised in question.

He did not look at me in a guilty manner instead he grimaced making me roll my eyes for the hundredth time today.

Removing my hands from his neck I tried getting out of his hold but he was not having it.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked pulling me closer this time making my breasts press on his chest and I suppressed a wimper.

"Away from you" I said trying to get away from his hold and this time he squeezed my ass and I jumped in surprise.

"Man whore" I murmured looking at him trying to offend him so that he could release me but my efforts seemed to go to waste when he instead kept his hands under my thighs lifting me up so that I could be somewhat the same level as him making me lock my legs behind him so that I do not fall.

The Tangled AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now