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Yeonjun's weekend was full of tears, tissues, more tears and not a lot of sleep

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Yeonjun's weekend was full of tears, tissues, more tears and not a lot of sleep. He knew school was going to be hard since everyone probably knew by now. He still had hope that maybe everyone would ignore it and ignore him.

Man was he wrong.

School was anything but okay for Yeonjun. Whatever Soobin said to Yeji only made it worse because there was only one way to describe how he was being treated. Like absolute...


When he walked into school he was met with glares and whispers, he kept his head tilted down and his hood to his gray hoodie was up on his head. He went to his locker and papers fell out with the words whore, slut, fag, bitch and just about every other insult you could think of written on them.

Some people laughed and others whispered about him. He could feel the tears gathering in his eyes as he got down on the floor picking them up. He got his books out his locker and threw the papers in the trash. On his way to class he decided to go to the bathroom to splash his face with water.

When he walked inside he went to the sink and looked at his self. His eyes were puffy red and the rest of him had looked pale, he had dark bags under his eyes from not sleeping.

He let out a sigh and splashed his face then patted it dry, he heard the bathroom door open and laughs fill the room.

He looked at two guys walking in, Yeonjun was pretty sure they were on the football team meaning there was a 99% chance they knew Yeji.

"Aren't you that Yeonjun guy? The one who slept with Yeji's boyfriend?" The black haired male asked.

"Yeah it is him!" The brown haired male confirmed.

Yeonjun frowned, this is just what he needed.

"I'm sorry." He murmured and went to leave but they blocked him.

"Where are you going?" The brown haired guy asked walking closer to Yeonjun.

"I really need to go." He tried to get around them but the black haired male punched him right in his cheek. Yeonjun fell to the floor holding his cheek and quickly backed up against the wall.

His eyes glossy and his cheek a bright red-ish purple. "P-Please I don't-"

The black haired one gripped his hair forcing him to look up at him.

"Fucking someone else's boyfriend huh? You must really like getting used." He started to unbutton his pants and Yeonjun got more scared.

"N-No." The brown hair one held him still by kneeling behind him holding his arms behind his back. "L-Let go of me, p-please don't!" He cried.

"Hey!" The two turned around and Soobin was standing there. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

It was very clear what was about to happen, it was quiet, all they could hear was Yeonjun's cries and pleas to let him go.

Soobin's eyes went from Yeonjun and back to the two males in front of him. He dropped his bookbag on the floor and took off his jacket.

Yeonjun looked up and before he knew it they were fighting.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

No one touches Soobin's Junnie
and gets away with it

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