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Yeonjun quickly leaped out of Soobin's lap and the two tried to look natural. Ms. Choi stumbled into the house laughing along with Mr. Choi and Yeonjun stood up.

"Are you drunk?" He asked looking at his mother.

She hiccuped. "Um...yes." She started laughing again and Yeonjun took his mother out of Mr. Choi's hands.

"I'm taking her to bed." He muttered carrying her to her bedroom.

Soobin stood up and went to his dad. "I'm driving." He took the keys.

Yeonjun laid his mother down in bed. "I had sooo much fun Yeonnie~" she sang getting a little tired. "I think I love him."

Yeonjun was sitting on the bed and rubbed his moms head smiling at her. "Yeah...I know what you mean." He murmured. He leaned down kissing her head before leaving the room.

Soobin was walking his father to the door.

"Binnie." Soobin turned and looked at him. "I-I should go with you. T-To make sure y-you both are okay." He suggested fidgeting with his shirt.

Soobin let got of his father walking over to Yeonjun cupping his cheek. "You're so cute Junnie hyung~" He sang causing Yeonjun to blush looking up at Soobin. "I'll text you." He kissed his head before turning and leaving with his father.

Yeonjun stood there staring at the door in front.


"So let me get this straight...you didn't tell him and you hooked up with him again?!" Hyunjin whispered yelled as they stood in the hall at Yeonjun's locker.

Yeonjun closed his locker looking at him. "I-I know it's just-"

"Junnie what you're doing is wrong and you know that. He has a girlfriend at least show some restraint." Beomgyu added.

"You don't understand I-"

"YOU TWO TIMING DIRTY CHEATING MOTHERFUCKER!" They all turned their attention to Yeji and Soobin who were arguing as they walked down the hall. "Just tell me where you got the hickies from and I'll shut up!"

Soobin ignored her and kept walking, he walked past Yeonjun, Hyunjin and Beomgyu not looking at them.

"CHOI SOOBIN DONT IGNORE ME!" They turned the corner and Beomgyu and Hyunjin turned their heads to Yeonjun.

He blushed looking at them. "Um...hi?"

Beomgyu felt someone put their arm around him. "Hey babe, ready to go?" Taehyun asked.

Beomgyu turned his head back to Yeonjun smiling. "Yep!" They walked past Yeonjun and the older just let out a sigh.

Hyunjin's arms were crossed over his chest. "You know he's totally judging you right?" He asked and Yeonjun reluctantly nodded. "So am I." He walked past him and Yeonjun let out a sigh.

Could life get any worse? He thought to himself.

He turned walking to his next class with just about everything on his mind. He wanted this day to end, he wanted his situation to end. Soobin was popular no one would say anything to him if he cheated but Yeonjun who be labeled as a slut and whore.

Don't get him wrong he loves being belittled but in the bedroom not outside the bedroom.

He went to the library instead, class was the last place he wanted to be. He sat in the library reading a random romance novel he found.

He sighed. "Why can't I tell him how I feel?" He said to himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I remember how scared I used to be to tell guys I liked them...yeeeeah Middle School the good ol days

Also...double upload today??? 👀

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