Chapter 56- Toto I don't think we're in obx anymore

Start from the beginning

"JJ you didn't have to-" I start to say stopping and turning to him. He stops and turns to face me

"I saw you looking at them back there. You deserve something nice and one day i'll get you something way nicer than some sun glasses. But for now this will do" He says putting the sunglasses on my face. I smile pushing them onto my head before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you JJ" I gushed. We hurried to meet up with the group who were now stopped at a tattoo and piercing place. An Idea pops into my head as I grab Kies arm.

"Meet us back here in an hour" I say pulling her inside. They nod and I see them walk across the street to the beach.

"What are we doing maddi? Please don't tell me you're gonna get JJ's name tattooed on your *ss" She groans. I chuckle before turning to her.

"No!" I laugh. "This" I point to a picture of a nose ring. A smile errupts onto her face. "You with me?"

"Hell yeah!" She exclaims.

"What can I do for you ladies?" A man in his early twenties asks from the other side of the desk.

"We're here to get our nosed pierced" I tell him. He nods and leads us back to a room. I sit down first while Kie stands next to me.

The man gets everything set up. We talk to him while he works. He tells us about how him and his boyfriend moves her from the uk. He shows us a picture of them.

"You guys are so cute" I exclaim. He smiles.

"I'm Maddi by the way" I reach my hand out and shake his.

"Charlie" He says back.

"and I'm Kie" Kie adds.

We joke around for a few minutes with our new friend charlie. He told us he's waiting for another employee to get done with the piercing equipment.

"So are you girls from around here?" He asks.



Kie and I say at the same time.

"We're from the outer banks" I tell him. He nods and starts telling a story about one of the people he gave a tattoo to.

"I don't think I've ever seen a grown man cry like that before" He laughs. Smiles on all of our faces. We spend the next 15 minutes talking until finally the other person is done.

"I might say some very mean things in a minute. Please don't take it personally" I say. He laughs

"I've been through worse" He jokes.

Kie holds my hand as he brings the needle to my nose. I feel a quick pain shoot through my nose. I mutter a string of curse words as he finishes up. Kie laughs at my pain and I shoot her a glare. I get up and walk to the mirror. I little gold hoop is in my right nostril. I smile looking at it. Kie gets into the chair.

"You ready?"I ask her. She nods as the man pierces her nose. She squeezes my hand tight making me wince.

"Sorry" She mumbles. Once he finishes with her we both look at ourselfs in the mirror.

"We look good" Kie says.

"we look hot" I say as charlie comes up behind us putting an arm on both of our shoulders.

"You look bad*ss" He tells us. We smile up at him.

"So what hotel are you guys staying at?" He asks. Kie and I look at eachother with wide eyes. We didn't even think about that.

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