-Chapter 12-

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Welcome back lovelies to that time again where I update. I know this is a late post but hey I did have it written. Just been completing school as I went which I hope you understand. Now that you have read the previous chapter and hopefully this one as well.. What do you think Reyna is planning once she is settled?

Enjoy my loves,


Canvases of every size adorned the sunlit walls. Gorgeous landscapes and portraits adorned the lavish room. I could barely glimpse the brick wall due to the number of paintings strung about.

And the paints.

A multitude of colours and variations greeted me. Not the basic colours, seemingly ever colour imaginable was here. A glass of well-used brushes was placed on a table where the newest painting lay.

The table had been used many times. From the yellow splotches to the spilled blue paint stain on the floor. This was an artist's paradise. It was Lucien's paradise.

He was an artist.

I turned to him feeling a smile bloom across my face as I stepped further in the room.

"Lucius." I breathed in amazement continuing to gaze about.

"It's not that good. Don't look at me like that! It's a hobby." He visibly relaxed before stretching, "And no my father doesn't know. I'd like to keep it that way."

I laughed twirling around to get a better view of the paintings behind me.

Absolutely stunning. Not a single flaw throughout.

I paused as my eyes ran over a portrait. It was of a girl in a ballroom dancing with a taller male.

The girl was me. And the male I was dancing with Cassiel. We were smiling and I remembered that was when we were discussing my lack of bow skills and Katrina's mild disappointment.

The detail in my dress alone was spectacular. Lucien managed to capture our expressions perfectly.

"Wha- how did you... When did you-"

"It was a beautiful moment. I had to capture it." Lucien rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed. "You can have it if you like. Or I can destroy it."

"What! No! It's beautiful.." I smiled at him, "I love it, keep it if you wish. I have no room in my chambers for such a piece but I love it. Thank you."

He chuckled dipping his head, "Thank you, princess. When I told you how stunning you looked that night you did not believe me. Hopefully, now you can see I wasn't exaggerating."

I winked at him smiling, "Perhaps you were right."

"Right about what?" Cora voiced from the threshold.

Lucius paled visibly tensing in horror as Cora ran an idle eye over the paintings.

I reached for Cora's hand and dragged her from the hidden room, "I thought you said you were going to your room!" I hissed under my breath as we entered the hall.

She shrugged, "I lied."

I sighed shaking my head, "You can't just barge into rooms."

"I did not, I knocked. And then I went in." She rolled her eyes gesturing to a door, "On the bright side, we're roommates!" She smiled revealing her pearly white teeth and I caved laughing.

"Did you see his face?"

"It was spectacular!"

We laughed tumbling into the room playfully, "Cora, you can't speak of the paintings."

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