-Chapter 9-

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I know I said I was on top of updates. And I was, truly. Except physics decided to bite me in the ass over it haha. I'm alive, and have been thinking of this story alongside my other project (which I may try posting as well) making plans and figuring out the endgame ect. This chapter is shorter but I feel it's a fun little chapter to read.
What do you think is gonna happen next?

Enjoy my loves, and stay safe in this difficult time!


After having taken my leave from the healers wing I headed to my chambers once more. Ellias was distraught over his hair so I decided to give him time to himself for mourning.

Knowing Ellias, after a day or two he would be back to his annoying self.

Besides, I had work to do. If Tamara was back. If she was here, it was a problem. I needed to find out where she was located and how she got her information.

Key word information.

If you wanted information the best source was probably not from the castle. Me being princess seemingly meant nothing until I was wed which limited my sources. Knowing Tamara the little I did I could make a good guess she was not near the castle at this time. Her vampires were probably in the slums disguised as group members of those gangs that ran the streets.

Reaching my room I ran an eye around the hall seeing no guards whatsoever. Very safe.

I snorted at my humour quickly changing into my brown cloak once more and lackluster clothes. Kiera was probably in the kitchens or attending another female in the castle as my room was empty.

My people were starving while we feasted at balls in fancy clothes. And the lords wanted to ignore the occurrences which happened below them in the city.

The wrongness of the situation was disgusting. The thought of having thieves running your city more than the princess herself. And the people in charge allowing it...

I needed to do something. Something had to change. If I couldn't look after my people from the castle, then I would look after them from the streets themselves. If thieves ran the streets then I would become the best damn thief of them all. I would run the streets at night and the courts by day.

I smiled mischievously flicking out my blades before diving down the cliff face once more. The drop was easier this time and I felt much more at ease. The drop and waves below made my stomach lurch. But fear prayed on the weak. And princesses could not be weak. I could not be weak. I had people to protect.

I passed the market square and after gaining the odd glance I paused in my journey.

Right. I was recognizable...

I breathed a steady breath, slowly letting my magic creep out. My irises changed to that of deep purple near glowing luminously in the streets. Instantly my senses sharpened and I could see much clearer through the darkness of night. I'd almost forgotten the advantage this power could grant me if used correctly.

I shrugged, tucking my cloak closer to my body as I neared a merchant clearing up his table for the evening, "Where is the best Artisan district?" I questioned amiably.

The man laughed, shaking his head.

I tilted my head demanding in a harsher voice. "Where is the best craftsman in town?"

He rolled his eyes smirking at the seemingly foolish female before him.  "By the docks."

As I left I heard him utter some unfriendly words to me which I bit my tongue over and carried along my way.

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