-Chapter 16-

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Hello, my loves! We are back with another update! Is Reyna dead? Not yet. Does anyone have a clue as to who Ghosty-boy is yet? What do you think of the chapter? I'll see ya'll next week!

Enjoy my loves,


Pressure slammed into my chest enough that I choked my eyes snapping open. I caught a glimpse of dark green before I presumably puked up half the river onto the wet stones.

I was alive. Barely.

The river rock dug into my legs as I lost my dinner, and my lunch, followed by that dessert I'd snagged in between.

I felt like shit. My throat burned and my lungs seemed to be screaming, my neck stung from whatever had nipped me. I felt warmth slide down my neck and knew that whatever it was had caused me to bleed. I wiped at my face in an attempt to clean off the muck in hopes of seeing better. My eyes cleared and I could blurrily make out the dark green figure crouching beside me. And then the figure spoke.

Suddenly I wanted to puke again.

"Apparently not all dogs can swim after all."

"Fuck... You." I ground out swaying from where I sat.

Ghost chuckled darkly, the sound sending skitters down my spine. "I'm not into wet dogs so I'll pass. That goes to little girls as well."

My stomach hurt, ribs throbbing, throat burning. Gods, it felt like I was dying.

That's because you were. A small voice spoke in my mind. Screw my conscience.

I panted my breath labored. Each breath felt like a stab to the gut. I couldn't stay here. I had to go. I needed to heal before morning or someone would find out I'd left my room.

Standing up on shaking legs I swore as the dimly lit world around me swam around my vision.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Screw off." I moaned, clenching my side in agony.

I was swaying, I knew that. I also knew I was falling. However, both my mind and my body seemed to be uncooperative with one another and I fell forwards.

Hands grabbed me before I smashed my face on the stones.

Yet another thing I needed to owe him for.

"Come on then." He spoke, scooping me up, sopping cloak and all.

"Wha- what did you do to me." I wheezed, my eyes blurred in muck from the canal. I then realized I had spoken to his bow and not him.

"I saved your life." He rumbled quietly.


"Shhh, little wolf. All will be well."

Suddenly I was very very tired. My aching body finally catching up to the events of near-drowning and I found myself passing out in Ghosts arms.

I wake to a throbbing headache. That's not even half of my worries at the moment though. My once swamp infested clothes are gone, replaced by silkiness. I feel my body panic before I make the educated decision to not move.

If I was being watched, moving would be a tell-tale sign of me being awake. Which is not what I needed to give away. So I listened instead of moving.

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