Tips for protests

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I go to protests all the time and I'm proud and people don't know these tips when they should

And I'm a proud gen Z we will change history!

1. Don't so anything destructive

The news wants you to look bad if you do anything violent they are pulling out their camera's and making you look like the bad guy

Keep it peaceful

One time during a protests me and a few others played duck duck goose

2. Always remember to wear mask

COVID is still a thing

3. Plan before you do the protest

If you don't plan it then when the cops come your gonna be a mess plus you need to bring supplies and most of the time the protestors will depend on their leader

4. Always bring a first aid kit

People can get injured And if they get injured the cops will assume the protestors are attacking them and bring out a gun

(True story it happened to me once)

5. Always being food and water (I recommend energy snacks and just a simple water bottle)

You are going to be out there for hours

Stay healthy

6. One tip I have learned is wear something to cover your nose and mouth and soak it in lemon juice this can help if you get tear gased

7. Always bring extra clothes in a bag or something to protect you from the chemicals if your clothes get covered in chemicals

8. If you have any bring a gas mask

For obvious reasons

9. Don't wear contacts

If you can't see without them then wear glasses

Contacts make the tear gas worse in your eyes but glasses will help protect you

10. Plan a exit

Cops will come and with their armor and guns you can't fight back so the clever option for everyone is to run

11. Bring a emergency contact on a piece of paper or somewhere on your body

In case if you get arrested (for literally nothing) you will need to call someone, memorize the number or bring a paper

12. Always bring a friend

Especially during your first protest

If cops come or you don't like crowds study show your brain automatically relaxes more around someone you consider your friend

13. Wear comfy shoes you can run in

You see blue? RUN

That one person: wait I'm wearing heels!


14. Always bring a phone

So you can call and so you can record

If you are going to record then hide the protestors face and show the police's face cause most of the time what the police are doing is illegal

And your phone should be charged to 100% before you leave and if you can bring a battery extended

15. If you get zip tied

Making it tight and breaking it

Swing your arms above your head and then quickly swing your arms to your midriff with your elbows sweeping down, the gravity will break the zip tie

16. Bring money

For a payphone and to pay for food and stuff

17. Bring hand sanitizer and face whips

Germs people

18. Dress comfortably for the weather

You are going to be out there for hours plus when you run from cops your body gets hot and if you live in a hot place then your screwed

19. Make signs

Something lightweight and easy to carry with a short message so people know what your fighting for

20. Keep in mind if Covid 19

You still need to stay safe

21. Know your rights

You have a right to freedom and the police have no right to arrest you if you were protesting peacefully

22. Don't bring weapons

It doesn't matter what is legal and what isn't

If something you are carrying can be a weapon the police have a excuse to shoot you

Keep in mind EXCUSE if you use the weapon or not

23. Stay calm

If you freak out your more likely to mess up

24. There are other ways to protest without being in public

If you don't want to go out thats fine

You can post, make videos, even make a flag outside your house

Anything that can help protesters 👍

25. Bring a hat and sunglasses

Trust me they help.

They will protect your identity

26. Cover the bridge of your nose

Police use face recognition and it starts with the bridge of your nose

Cover that up or alter the shape or it (with clay or something) then you are fine

26. If you came come with a group of friends

For protestion and to help if you feel uncomfortable

27. If you are being tear gased stay calm

Tear gas caused a burning sensation in swear, tears, saliva and the menebrain

That means panicking will make it worse

That's all I can think of right now

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