Would you rather danganronpa edition

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Would you rather be trapped in a school during a killing game or stuck in a Island during a killing game?

Island, it's more open then a closed up school. Being trapped in a school would probably be bad for people's mental health but on a Island with many other islands would be better. Plus if your being chased by a serial killer you have many places to hide and it will take them a while.

Would you rather be a killer or a victim?

I'm thinking victim, cause If your a killer then your most likely gonna feel the guilt or killing someone plus execution seems more painful then someone stabbing you.

Would you rather be executed or murdered?

Murdered, Monokuma tends to tease the killer and make the execution as painful as possible. Meanwhile if your just killed your either killed instantly or die slowly but either way it's less painful.

Would you rather be a protagonist or be a antagonist?

Antagonist, it would be funny to see people work out my complex design plus for some reason people would love me more then the protagonist and it will fill the hole in my heart. Plus with the antagonist they seem like the only reason why people made it that far but at the same time they would make the trial difficult which sounds like something I would do.

Would you rather be a mastermind or a traitor?

Traitor, cause I am way too dumb to plan a killing game, a execution and by some miracle make a robot Monokuma.

But as a traitor I can lie pretty well but at the same time it wouldn't seem like a lie, like with Chiaki she lied about being a classmate but she cared about her friends and wanted them to be safe despite people thinking the traitor was a bad person.

Would you rather be friends with Monokuma or Junko?

I mean Monokuma is being controlled by Junko if I befriended Monokuma it would be killing 2 birds with one stone.

Plus Monokuma can't murder anyone in the killing game but Junko can so I'm more likely to live if I befriend Monokuma, plus if I befriend him he would help me during a trail by having my back since he isn't allowed to directly mess up the trial or the investigation.

Would you rather be in THH or Sdr2?

Sdr2, it's less boring plus I'm less likely to die since what I noticed with all the killers they killed that certain person for a reason, except for Twogami being killed and Hiyoko being killed but all I have to do in those situations was stay where I was. And I guess except for Chiaki's death but all I have to do there was not be the traitor.

Would you rather be on the side of hope or despair?

I would like to say hope but I've been through a lot of trauma in my life.

I guess I would be at the side of hope but at the same time feeling a lot of despair but keeping it hidden

Would you rather be in the danganronpa games or the danganronpa anime's?

Danganronpa games, in the games they were focusing on everyone but with the anime's they were mainly focusing on a certain character and just added different characters now and again (like they mainly focused on Nagito in despair arc but just rarely added his classmates)

Would you rather get away with murder and all your classmates die or you turn out to be a traitor and all your classmates hate you?

I would rather be a traitor and all my classmates hate me cause at least they are alive, and knowing Monokuma if I did win then I'd probably just be sent off to another killing game.

Would you rather have sex with the protagonist or have sex with the antagonist?

(I'm getting these questions from reddit btw)

If I had to choose I would rather have sex with the antagonist (not you Togami fuck you) cause with the protagonist the players would know it and through the whole danganronpa fandom I would be known as 'the whore that has sex with the protagonist'.

While with the antagonist nobody has to know.

Would you rather be brainwashed into despair or be brainwashed into committing suicide?

Probably despair cause at least I'm alive and nobody knows it but my teacher

Would you rather have Mikan obsessed with you or have Junko obsessed with you

Junko cause she would not steal my overies. Plus she would probably kill my out of despair which is a good thing for my.

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