Shuichi x reader angst

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Multiple endings (2)

You and Shuichi were childhood friends and you both got into a killing game together.

Now you though that maybe Shuichi would help you in a killing game since he cared about you oh so much.

But nope!

He made a new friend named Kaede. You don't blame her though, she doesn't know cause he never talks about you anymore.

Just like how it use to be with your old friends, at first they care, they find someone knew and they leave you in the dust like you were nothing.

It made you wanna fall down and cry in the corner.

He was always talking about Kaede to you. Kaede this kaede that.

It made you wanna throw a table and stab someone, of course you didn't.

But then the first murder came, poor Rantaro. Of course everyone found out that kaede did it and she got executed, Shuichi cried and you were there to comfort him despite him pretty much ghosting you.

He cried into your chest "she's gone..."

"Hey it's gonna be okay, she wouldn't want you to be sad and neither do I" he probably didn't even care about what you wanted but you added the last part anyway

"Yeah she wouldn't want me to..."

Next day

"Hey (y/n)..." you turned around to see Shuichi.

You was hopping he would maybe apologise for ghosting you or maybe just wanna talk to you like you both use to do.

But nope he was talking about kaedead (yes I did that on purpose).

You got so angry, even with her dead he fails to even show he cares about you anymore.

Everything for the past 10 years is flown out the drain all for some girl he met 3 days ago.

It made you snap

"Oh shut up already!" You yelled, it surprised Shuichi's. You never were the type to get mad, at least to him anyway.


"Kaede this! Kaede that! Will you get over it already! She's fucking dead"

"(Y/n how da-" he tried to scold you but you interrupted him

"You basically ghosted me, your best friend of 10 years for some girl you met 3 days ago! Be honest even we woke up here when was the last time you talked to me other then just to talk about Kaede"

It literally took him some time to think "..... I.... I..." he was lost for words.

This made you even more angry so you ran off into your door.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" He tried to yell for you, you didn't listen you just went to your dorm and locked the door behind you.

You pulled out a knife from underneath your bed.

To be honest, you were planning to kill your self ever since the bear announced the killing game, you actually had a good reason to without people calling you selfish

(it's a real big problem, people think that people that killed themselves are selfish, which just makes someone want to kill themselves more)

You aimed it at your chest and....

Good ending

Shuichi ran after you and banged on the door "(y/n) open up! Please" he begged

Danganronpa/sdra2/dra one shots Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu