Sdra2 a woman's fantasy scene

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The boys have gotta be confortable enough for you to join them meaning you could be male (biological or not) or maybe a gender that's in the other section (gender fluid, non-binary, agender, etc)

The boys have respect they won't care unless if your a female (biological or not) sorry ladies.

Unless if maybe your crossdress and they don't know.

Idk don't ask for a girl version cause this took too long to make and I already feel bad for the non gender neutral (kind of) in this


"Yo Yuki! What's the Hold up there" you heard Kasai yell out for Yuki.

Yuki used a towel to try to cover his dick in a embarrassed panic

Meanwhile you were in the tub along with Nikei and Mikado

(Don't act like you don't want a piece of Nikei. Even I want a piece of Nikei)

"Th-this is my first time having a bath with other people around" Yuki admitted

"Who cares? It's just us" you shouted to him

"It's a shame Yuri didn't show up" Kasai replied

You put your arms on the end of the tub to relax

(Btw it you wear a binder then you can still Wear it if it's uncomfortable to take off around people. And yes there are binders made for swim wear)

"Ain't much we can do about his weird hatred for men. Who the hell invited Mikado though?" Makunouchi asked

Mikado was just chillin in the tub near you with no emotion on his face he was Also playing with a rubber ducky.

"Nobody did. He must of caught word of what was going on and just showed up. Word on the street says he's depressed from everyone ignoring him" Nikei replied to Hajime's question while adding a bit at the end.

Mikado finally joined in on on that conversation making you snap your attention from Nikei to Mikado. You were next to Nikei

(Two bro's chillin in the hot tub 5 inches apart cause they are very gay)

"I'm the brilliant mastermind behind the case!" mikado commented on himself "... Yet I'm ignored all I wish is for us to develop a true bonds of camaraderie and yet my closest companion is a duck" he said while poking the rubber duck

"How else did you expect us to interact around the mastermind of this game?" you asked him giving him a questioning look

"Yo Yuki! Let big bro scrub your back for ya" Kasai yelled to him making Yuki blush from absolute embarrassment

"N-not so rough please" Yuki replied back

"Don't say it like that...." you said to him

"Huh?!?" Yuki looked a you in shock and embarrassment

Makunouchi yelled out something to the door making you look, you saw all the girls peaking through the door

From what it looked like Kabuya had a shocked expression, Iroha had a nose bleed and Sora had no expression

"Huh wha" Yuki also looked at the door

"Look how the tables have turned" you commented

"What're you guys" the firefighter yelled while covering his dick from the girls.

You just ended up sitting there doing nothing

"Hey why are the girls?!?" Nikei started putting one hand on the edge of the tub and looking at the door

Kabuya started to screech "what are you guys doing hear?!?"

"Setsuka? What's this all about?" Sora asked "oh the doors locked"

'Le what' you thought to yourself

"That should be my line! Told Setsuka to tell all the other girls that the bathroom is closed. Shinji wanted us to do some male bonding!" Makunouchi said

"Aha now I get what happened" Sora said like she didn't care and she had no expression on her face like always.

"Well she never told us! Put some freaking clothes on I don't wanna be scarred for life" Kabuya screeched

"Ahh I have already scene it all, Shinji you have met my expectations, (y/n) I didn't know yo-"

"Don't finish that sentence" you interrupted Iroha

"Get out you perverts!" Nikei screeched

"Oh ladies" Mikado just realised they were there "I understand it's hard to control your primal desires but I cannot allow this sort of preverse bonding on our school-sanctioned field trip"

"Oh shut up! Why won't this door open" Kibuya yelled while trying to open the door but yet handle wouldn't budge "Setsuka Chiebukuro you open this door right now!"

The girls finally left the room and shut the door behind them.

"Well.... That just happened" you said

"Is that all you can say?!?" Nikei said turning to you

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