Fuyuhiko x shy reader

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Chill I'm just doing someone's request while waiting for the last oc to be put.

1. Please don't message me requests
2. I know you person who send me this requested a lemon but right now I'm not feeling comfortable
So I'm just doing a cute fluff

(Y/n) stared at Fuyuhiko

Fuyuhiko stared back at (y/n)



"...... Do you want something sweet heart?" Fuyuhiko asked

You wanted to say it but you face just heated up when you tried to

"Are you that shy to ask me?" Fuyuhiko questioned

You looked at him and did the grabby hands signalling that you wanted a hug

Fuyuhiko took the hint and hugged you

You giggled and hugged back. Cause your fucking adorable and I love you-

I mean and he loves you

He patted your head and made you both lie down on the bed

He looked at you and he could tell you wanted to say something but you were too shy to.

" *sigh* .... What is it?"



"Why do you love me?" you asked while burying your head in his chest.

"Cause your the most adorable human being in the world and anyone would be lucky to have you"

(Everyone in the comments: I'm not a human being I'm a ____. Fill in the blank, I dare you)

"Even if I can't say anything with messing up my words"


You both cuddled for hours.

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