Remants of despair

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I know people like to skip the bold writing but if you do then you won't understand a single thing that is going on

So basically I'm going to be doing THEORIES (since to me just brainwashing them isn't good enough for me) about why SDR2 characters went to despair and became the remnants of despair

But I'm adding you to being most of the reasons

Since I don't know why but I imagine if the reader was part of the remnants.

They would be the classmates ultimate hope along with Chiaki

So Junko used that to her advantage and kills one of them and brings the other one into complete despair

And you become the successor of Junko enoshima

Since she thought it through if you lead the group, the person that use to be the groups ultimate hope. Being full of despair to the point there is no going back then they would be even more despair

But if you Kill yourself or run away from your problems they would still be in despair

So either way Junko made you suffer that no matter what you do, you would bring your classmates despair

So let's start!

The imposter

The first person to die and the leader

This one is gonna be hard since you barely spend any time with him since, he's the one that dies first.

But during the free time events while I was playing there is one thing that caught my eye

He said Imposting as others became his thing because nobody likes him for.... well him

He didn't have money, or family, or siblings and he got depressed for that and imposted as others so he could feel like he could get that

When Hajime (or you if you want) says "I don't know any other Togami" the imposter takes that as a complement.

So what I'm thinking is since he sees (Y/N) as his hope they could bring him into the mindset of

"You can be the only one by killing the person you imposter"

So he can be them and there would be no other so he can be them, so it would not cast as imposting since there is no other


We all know this

Teruteru is a mama's boy.

In the game he knows that Nagito is planning to kill someone and he takes action

Making the death of the imposter.

So what I got from that is.

Rather then protecting the person who was meant to be killed he tried to kill the murderer

So maybe if Junko and (Y/N) made him believe or made it so a threat was coming to his mother and he would start killing

Or because he cares about his classmates (Y/N) could bring him into the mindset that now that his classmates are remnants everyone is a threat to them and he would start killing everyone


In Mahiru dialogue it said that she cares a lot about her mother

That's right we are making a mother lover club

And she cares about everyone in the group

So if you think about it everyone looked up at Chiaki and (Y/N) for being their ultimate hope

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