Rantaro x ultimate lucky student reader

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I just thought

There is a ultimate lucky student in the 1st and 2nd so why not make a 3rd?

Please tell me I'm not the only one wondering why there isn't a lucky student in v3 even tho there is in the other 2

Anyway, I have no plot in mind and I'm thinking as I go so I apologise if it isn't 10/10 or doesn't make sense


Where am I....?

Why do I just see darkness...?


Is this a locker?

It has little holes like a locker

You know I here the cliche, 'push the nerd into the locker' but jeez do it to me AND taking away my memory of how I even got here!

Whatever, just my luck

Oh yeah your like Nagito except for being insane and the illness

You just have low self esteem in yourself

You tried with all your might to open the locker

You couldn't move since well.... it's a locker so all you could use it your arms to try to

You eventually did but you fell in the process and landed on.... something trippable

Your whole body rolled and you hit your head on a desk

"..... *sigh* just my luck...."

Yeah in order for something lucky to happen, something unlucky has to happen, do either you or someone around you

"Hey are you okay? You probably hit your head pretty hard"

You heard a voice say, you to the source of the voice to a guy that reminds you of a acacado


And you saw a boy that looked like a ava- *SLAP*


That had green hair, a lot of piercings that I'm sure his ears hate him now



That had loads of piecing and was a hunch of a man-



And has a blue shirt with a compass on it

"Umm, yeah I'm fine... thanks, there is no need to worry about trash like me"

I might as well make you Nagitos sister

Maybe without the white hair and pale skin since that only came from his illness




He looked shocked for a second at your words but then said

"Hey don't say that about yourself. My name is Rantaro Amami, I can't remember my own talent, but I promise, I'm not a bad guy" He explained

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