Important note (please read) (real explanation of blue whale)

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Before you freak out let me explain

The whole Blue whale is a hoax

It's real but it's also fake at the same time

First let me explain to origin

Blue Whale first became a thing in 2016 where a blue would influence and manipulate people to comitt suicide

Police found him and arrested him

While he was rotting in prison he got love letters from the people be influenced

Soon the game died down and was forgotten until 2020

However let me explain how it's real and fake at the same time

I got this new information from a YouTuber who I won't name for his safety just in case

The reason why I had to look deeper then before was because someone messaged me saying it was a hoax so in order for me not to lead wrong information let me explain

This thing is a hoax

I ended up searching blues whale and I saw people protesting against it and people promoting it

The people that promoted it had a cursed Mickey Mouse picture

A youtuber that does asmr asked over 15 people that he wanted to play to see if it is real

It was risky

However only 3 answered him and those 3 people said they were just promoting it to 'kill time' as they liked to put it.

Another thing is undercover people were if peopled wanted to play they would send them the pink whale challenge

Something I find weird about the pink whale challenge is the need to go under over for it

Plus the pink whale challenge is just making people more afraid cause in the process of undercover your promoting the blue whale challenge

So why not just make a hashtag for it and other pink whale people could team up?

But I'm in no position to talk since I don't do the pink whale challenge

Another person was making a joke out of it

So here's the results I got out of all this what came with evidence and personal experience

If there is people promoting the blue whale challenge they either

1. Won't reply at all

2. It's to spread pink whale

3. It's just a joke a teenager thought was funny

The 'evidence' that it is real was stuff from 2016

But of course that doesn't mean you shouldn't be safe on the internet

Keep your accounts private and don't accept random request cause remember

There are people promoting it but not actually doing it and all the other dangers of the internet.

I'm sorry that when I first heard of it I made a misunderstanding and I thought it was real

However now I'm sure that it is fake.

Please stop the misunderstanding

If you don't believe me that's fine just ignore this

But if you do understand that this is a misunderstanding please spread the news.

However keep in mind that there is always someone who will take it too far which is why I'm telling you to still stay safe

There is proof that someone is being literate about it however it's not hard to just not contact them and to just ignore them.

Edit: the people that were actually being full on serious about it (which is rare to walk into) have been caught and the blue whale challenge is banned on almost every social media

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