We got in the car and he put Sam on my lap. The poor dog was trembling, but I tried to calm him down. People always say dogs can sense bad things before they happen, I'm hoping not. I don't want anything bad to happen.

              Zayn sped off down his street and I put my seat belt on, fast. He was going to take us for a crazy drive and I didn't feel like dieing today, so I was depending on this strap with my life.

                He got onto the interstate speeding down it, weaving through cars and honking. He reached over and turned up the radio as loud as it could go. Some boy band echoed through the car, I liked the song. It was something about a girl looking perfect in American Apperal underwear.

              Zayn laughed and smiled at me. I was scared, but seeing Zayn this happy made those fears go away. I reached over and rolled down my window, letting the wind come into the car and run through my now brown hair.

              Zayn sped up and rolled down all the windows in the car. He screamed at the top of his lungs, then ended up just laughing. I laughed so hard while watching him. I held onto Sam as I struck my head out the window, feeling the cool wind hit me in the face. I took a deep breath and for the first time in the months of being with Zayn, I felt free.

              I would dream of this when I was in the basement. I would visualize what it would feel like to have to sun on my skin and wind in my hair. I would feel so real that when I opened my eyes, I felt like I took a short trip somewhere else. I remember one day I tried taking myself there, but Zayn was with me. Now that it's actually happening, I felt everything once of freedom. Zayn was with me and nothing could ruin this moment.

               I felt Zayn put his hand on my leg and my eyes opened to looked over at him. I leaned in to kiss him. I knew it was stupid to kiss him while he was driving, but I didn't care. The speed of the car and the adrenaline I was feeling made me feel daring. I pulled back and he continued to drive while smiling, showing off his perfect white teeth.

            He sped through some more cars keeping his hand on my leg. I held on to Sam, just enjoying the moment we were having. But of course, nothing can stay this peaceful and perfect forever.

              A siren sounded from behind us and I looked at Zayn who kept driving.

              "Zayn pull over. It will be fine if you just do what they say." I told him. His grip on my leg got harder and he took a deep breath, then started slowing down. Sam was still shaking in my arms and I figured this is what he was anticipating.

              "I don't want them to take you." He whispered as he pulled over and parked the car.

              "They won't. I love you." I said and tangled my fingers with his. My heart was pounding against my chest just wanting whatever was going to happen to just happened already.

              The police man walked up to Zayn's window and I looked down at Sam, trying not to make eye contact. They were both silent, no one said anything. I felt someone looking at me and hoped it was just Zayn, but I knew I was wrong.

            "Sir, can you please step out of the car?" The man asked Zayn, he listened. He told him something I didn't quite catch, and I watched from the corner of my eye as he walked around to my side of the car.

             "Hey, can you look at me?" He asked me gently. I shook my head and felt tears gathering in my eyes. If he sees me something bad will happen. He'll take me from my Zayn. "Please? I'm here to help you." I shook my head again, a few tears falling.

            He opened my door. I was watching him still in the corner of my eye. He kneeled down beside me and reached over to pet Sam. I pulled him back so he couldn't pet him. He's me and Zayn's baby. He can't touch him.

              "If you look at me, nothing bad will happen to your friend. I'll make sure of it, I promise." He told me and I thought about it. He promised and no one ever breaks promises. Plus, he's a police man. Police men never lie, they're good guys.

               I slowly lifted my head up and turned to him. The man smiled at me and let out a breath. He looked over my face then asked me a question I didn't know how to answer. It was a simple question, but I didn't know what the results would be if I answered it. I just froze as he repeated himself.

              "Are you Niall James Horan?"

A/N: *****IMPORTANT*****

Do you guys want a SEQUEL? I have an Idea for it, but I need to know if you want it or not! I'm seriously begging everyone to comment and tell me. I need to know so I know how to end this!

I'll follow you if you comment on what you want!
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                     - Bri;)

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