Chapter 16

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Zayn's POV

          "I'm fine! Just let me go home!" I was trying to tell these idiot doctors I was fine to go home, but they said I shouldn't be leaving forty minutes after waking up from surgery. I was only shot in the shoulder, not my fucking head. I'm fine, I just want Niall. I want to go home and be around someone that loves me.

            "Mr.Malik, we want to evaluate your mental condition aswell. You were sexually assulted, that isn't something that you can just pretend didn't happen. We want to know you're alright." The doctor said. He's just pretending he cares. No one cares about me. Just Niall.

          "I'm fine. I can talk to my boyfriend about it if I need to. Just let me go home." I begged. I know I haven't asked Niall to be my boyfriend, but I feel like he's already mine. He's been mine since the day I saw him. I know Liam thinks he's my boyfriend, but he's really not. I hate to admit that I'm only using him, but I kind of am. He's nice but I know he just pities me. He thinks I'm pathetic. It's true though. I can't even fight for myself. Someone was about to rape me and I couldn't even fight back because my head was spinning. Now j know that because I got a concussion but still, I shouldn't just lay there and wait for it to be over. I'm no man, I'm a fucking child.

             "Well your boyfriend has been waiting to see you since you were taken into surgery. I'll tell him to take you home." I sighed with relief as he left the room. I guess he got tired of trying to convince me I needed to stay. I was glad that he left me alone. He was really starting to piss me off. He made me feel weak and like this was the most horrible thing that has ever happened. It wasn't. I've been pretending that I'm strong and that this isn't bothering me but I know the second I get home, I'll break and end up cutting myself to a bloody pulp. Unless I can just hold Niall, but he might not like me because I almost had sex with someone else. Not that it was consensual, but he still might find it gross or painful to hear. That is, of course, if he watched the news; which I told him not to. I'm actually hoping he disobeyed me so I didn't have to explain this to him. I know I wouldn't be able to tell him.

             A few minutes later, Liam came in with his white button up shirt stained with blood. He gave me a small smile, but I could see he was in pain by looking in his eyes.

            "How are you feeling?" He asked as he made his way to my bed. He stood there just looking me over. His brown eyes were so broken. He looked at me as if I was a bird that just fell out of its nest. I'm so pathetic.

           "I'm fine, just tired and I want to go home." I said, hoping I wasn't making him this way. This broken looking.

            "I'm so sorry, Zayn. I should... I should have stopped him before he could touch you. Before-" Liam completely lost it. He cried and looked like he was in physical pain from the way he was clutching his chest and stomach. He looked at me and reached his arms out to me. "Please, c-can I hold you?" He asked and I nodded, holding out my right arm out, which was my only good arm at the moment. I let him hold me until the doctor came back saying I could leave.

            Liam drove me home after asking me multiple times if I wanted to stay with him. I told him I was fine and didn't need to be watched over. When we drove up to my house, I just wanted to get out of the car and go to Niall.

           "Don't be afraid to ask for anything. I'm here for you. If you need to talk about... that, then you can always call me at anytime. I just... I'm confused on how you're taking this so well. Your not crying or even angry about it. Zayn, he almost raped you." Liam said strongly, but his voice broke at the end. I looked at my house, then back to a teary eyed Liam. I knew I had to tell him why I just don't feel anything.

Stockholm Syndrome (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now