Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

             His body went limp and checked if he was still breathing, he was. I got out of the car, making sure no one was watching and went the Harry's side. I picked him up and opened my trunk, placing him in there. I checked his pockets and pulled out some keys and a phone. I took those with me after closing the trunk and getting back in the car. I turned off the phone, then threw it out the window in a random spot on the drive back to our house.

               Once I got home I carried the bags I got at the store inside, placing them in my front room, then went to move the bookshelf and unlocked the door, but I kept it closed. I went to back out and got Harry, carrying him inside. He was allot taller than Niall so he was heavier. Somehow I managed to open the door to the basement single handed and carry him downstairs.

             Niall was asleep is a tiny ball on the couch, so I laid Harry down on the opposite side. I kneeled down beside Niall and ran my fingers through his hair. His face scrunched up then his blue eyes opened. He smiled sleepily at me and climbed of the couch, curling up into my lap where I was sitting on the floor.

             "Niall, I brought you something home." I whispered, noticing he hasn't seen the curly headed boy yet. He lifted his head from my chest and looked me in the eyes confused. I nodded over to the couch and he looked, then gasped climbing off my lap quickly.

            "Harry?" He whimpered. His hands touched his body softly and he ran his fingers through his curls. The boy started waking up and I stood up from the floor. He groaned and moved around a bit.

              Once his eyes opened he gasped and wrapped his arms around Niall.

              "I had a horrible dream! You were missing and I couldn't find you. I thought you were dead! Then I got in some guys car and he-" Harry's words were cut off when he saw me standing by the stairs. "You! You took Niall from me! Now you took me too? You're fucking crazy!" He yelled standing up walking to me. Niall grabbed his hand and made him stop.

             "Harry stop. He's a good guy, he was lonely but not he's not anymore. We're friends now. He's not crazy, he was just sad." Niall told him softly. He understands me. I'm not crazy I just wanted to make Niall happy too.

           "I'm going to leave now. Niall you can tell him the truth about me, just not that one thing. I only told you that and only you. Tell him how I'm doing this for the best for both of you. I brought him home for you, Niall. I wanted you happy too." My voice broke at the end and I turned to go up the stairs before I started crying in front of them. A little hand on my hip stopped me and I turned to see Niall looking at me with a smile on his face, but his eyes were sad. I smiled a bit and leaned down to kiss his cheek.

             "Thank you, but I was happy with just you. You didn't have to put Harry through this." He whispered looking down. I thought he would be happier than this. I stepped off the steps and went to where Niall was. I gently took my fingers and lifted his head up so he would look at me.

            "I want you happy." I said sadly. He nodded then leaned up and placed his lips on mine. I kissed him softly, then pulled back. "Goodnight, Niall." I said he nodded and I went upstairs. I felt like this was one of those nights that I couldn't handle the sadness I felt.

             I just wanted Niall happy, but he looked so sad now. I went upstairs to my bathroom and got my blade out. I sat down on the floor and started to assult my skin. Tears made their way down my face and blood down my arms. I wasn't lonely anymore, now I felt something different. Something I thought I wouldn't feel.

             I felt... guilty.

Niall's POV

            After I heard the door get locked and the slide, I turned to face my best friend that had a look of shock on his face.

            "Harry, I'm so sorry you're here." I said, but his face didn't change. I walked over to him and tried taking his hand in mine but he pulled away and turned to go sit on the couch. I put his face into his hands and started taking slow, deep breaths. Something he does when he's scared or trying not to get mad. I hope he was just scared, I hate it when he's mad. It makes me feel horrible.

           "Niall, sit down I have somethings I need to ask you. You need to answer them completely honest. I won't judge you or hate you." I nodded and listened to my older friend. I sat beside him and waited for him to ask me questions. He took a deep breath then started.

              "Did he touch you in ,um, down there?" He asked looking me in the eyes. I didn't know why he was talking to me like I was 4 years old, but I just went along with it. I shook my head and looked down.

             "Did he rape you? Niall, look at me." Harry asked sternly. I looked and him with tears in my eyes. How could he think that of Zayn. Zayn wouldn't do that to me, he told me he wouldn't. Harry gasped and covered his mouth. "Oh my-"

              "No, he didn't, Harry. He would never do that to me. He just wants a friend." I said wiping my tears that fell.

             "Why are you crying, then? And why would you kiss him, and actually let him kiss on you? When did you become gay? Why are you defending him?" He yelled at me. I shook my head as more tears fell.

              "I don't know! I don't know anything! I like him, I guess. I don't know if I'm gay! I like when he kisses me, I fell like he actually likes me. Not like those girls that say I'm ugly and would kill themselves before they ever went out with me!" I screamed at him as more tears fell down my face. "He calls me cute and cuddles with me! He likes my teeth and-" I broke down into sobs, being so confused of everything. I don't know why I have such strong feelings towards this man, when I've never been attracted to guys before. I don't know why I feel the need to defend him, when he kidnapped me. I just know he makes me feel wanted. Something no one else makes me feel.

             "Hey, it's alright. I understand Niall. Stop crying, I'm here now. We'll get through this." Harry said wrapped his arms around me. It felt so familiar, but I still liked when Zayn would hold me better. I took a deep breath and stopped crying. I looked at Harry and he smiled sadly at me. "I missed you so much. But there's something you need to know." He said I sat up straighter and looked him expectantly.

             "What is it?" I asked when he didn't answer. He looked conflicted if he wanted to tell me or not. He opened his mouth then shut it again. After taking a deep breath he finally started talking.

              "I never told you before, because I thought you were too young, but you need to know now. Niall, I'm gay and I'm in love with you."

A/N: dun dun dunnnn!!! COMMENT/VOTE!
                                 -Bri ;)

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