4. It's all over

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Chapter 4: It's all over

Ellie's POV


As I woke up the next morning, memories of the previous day came rushing to me. I couldn't help the unsettling feeling that I had in my stomach, the lack of willingness to get up and start my day making me close my eyes again, wishing I could just keep sleeping until the entire thing was put behind us.

Realising it was Saturday, I was happy that I wasn't going to have to face anyone at school, but I knew that I couldn't count on that forever. I had to brace myself for all the mocking glances I was going to get from people, especially after Jay Hart posted that article about me, killing my career before it had even started. 

Groggily wiping the sleep from my eyes, I turned to my side, grabbing my phone from the bedside table only to find multiple texts from the guys, and a couple of missed calls from my brothers and their wives. 

Sighing, I ignored the band's texts, messaging my brothers to reassure them that I was fine. I didn't want them to go on with their day worrying about their little sister. I already nearly ruined Midnight Flight's career, I didn't want to come in between my brother's as well. 

I was no longer mad at Blake for what he had done for me, even if I knew that that might have been a part of the reason as to why that article was written. Nobody walked out on Jay Hart unless he gave you permission to. Nonetheless, I appreciated everything that the boys were sacrificing for me, and that was exactly why I had to walk out on them. If they kept putting me before the band, there would have ultimately not been a band anymore, and I was not going to let that happen. There were many guitar players to choose from, at the end of the day they didn't need me. 

After I walked out on them, I headed straight home to drown my sorrows in movies and ice cream. That was until Leah sent me Hart's article, where he said that the only way I had a chance with the band was because the manager wanted to be in my brother's good books, even going as far to insinuate that there was some sort of blackmail involved. 

I felt horrible, not for myself, but for my brothers who had absolutely no reason to be brought in to the entire story. Not only did I make the band lose followers, but now my brothers are being accused for blackmail. 

Thinking about it again, I could feel a lump forming in my throat, making me want to cry. I felt so guilty for everything that happened. All I ever wanted was to follow my dreams, and instead I ended up crushing everybody else's. I didn't know how I was supposed to make it all better. The only thing I could do was quit the band, but I knew that in no way was that going to make everything Jay Hart said any less harmful. 

Throwing my phone on my bed in irritation, my hands instantly flew up to the nest I called my hair, the sadness growing inside me making me feel as if I was going to cry, yet no tears were able to fall down, making me feel rather hollow. 

I couldn't comprehend how something which was supposed to bring me so much happiness brought me nothing but misery instead. 

"How are you holding up?" Someone said, knocking on my door and entering my room. 

As soon as I caught a glimpse of May standing in my doorway, her sweet smile, her lips tucked in each other in a pitying way, the tears that seemed to be stuck only moments earlier started making their way down my cheeks. 

As soon as she caught a glimpse of my tears, May walked over to my bed, sitting with her legs crossed in front of me before bringing me for a comforting hug as I sobbed in her shoulder. 

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