"Okay." Sophia nodded as Jack walked up the remaining steps of the stairs.

Sophia turned around in place. To the left, the living room. To the right, the kitchen. She could go and sit down and rest on the couch for a while. Or she could go and look around the kitchen.

After all, one of the ways to get to know what someone is like is what they keep in their refrigerator.

Turning in the direction of the kitchen, Sophia made her way over. Looking around she took in all stainless steel appliances, cherrywood cabinetry, and granite countertops.

Sophia moved across the expanse of the kitchen towards the refrigerator. She opened the door and a few things immediately caught her interest; containers full of roasted chicken, root beer bottles, and three packages of bacon.

Nodding her head in approval Sophia mumbled, "not bad, Officer."

Suddenly she felt something brushing up against her heels. She looked down only to see said Officer's loyal K-9 brushing against her legs.

"Easton!" Sophia closed the refrigerator door as she kneeled down and scratched the police dog behind his tan ears. "You hungry or something?"

Easton barked his answered.

Sophia chuckled briefly before opening up cabinet after cabinet, searching for Easton's food.

When Jack burst in the kitchen suddenly. "What happened?!" His voice was frantic, his gaze shifting to Easton and then back at Sophia.

Sophia closed the cabinet she was just looking in and turned around. She didn't know what she was expecting but when she saw Jack again, he looked different. No more was the put-together man in uniform commanding attention and respect everywhere he went but a normal looking guy in gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

The way the white t-shirt clung to him made his chest look comfy and inviting and it made Sophia want to dive right in and not separate until morning.

"Sophia...? Jack spoke.

"Um...I think Easton is hungry." Sophia managed to say.

"Ahh...yes." Jack spoke. "I got you some sweats so you can change your clothes." He said and gave Sophia the new clothes.

"I'll just go change."


Moments later, Sophia emerged back in the kitchen. The sweats were a bit loose and baggy on her petite figure but still fit regardless.

Holding the clothes she was wearing in her hands, she sent her boots down in the living room and went back to the kitchen to join Jack.

"Did you feed Easton yet?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah." Jack spoke. "You thirsty?" He asked, opening the door.

"A little. Yes."

Grabbing two root beers out of the refrigerator, Jack popped the top off of both bottles and handed one to Sophia.

"So is there a guest bedroom?" Sophia asked, taking a sip of the soda.

Jack chuckled nervously. "Not exactly."

"Oh." Sophia narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Then where am I going to sleep?"

Jack started, finding his words carefully. "There's only one bedroom."

Sophia nodded in understanding. "Of course there is."

"Not in that way." Jack clarified. "I can take the couch."

"Meanwhile I'll sleep here as your "guest" while, slowly but surely, I find out about your kink and eventually you feel comfortable enough to take me to your kinky sex room..."

Jack chuckled while looking at the ground. "Not exactly." He looked up. "At all."

"No strings attached?"

"As a favor...to a friend." Jack said. "You don't know who you are or what happened to you, and what better person to help you than someone who literally took an oath to serve and protect."

Sophia nodded. "So. Friends? She walked up and stood a few feet from Jack, holding her hand out for a handshake.

"Friends?" Jack announced. "I'll take the couch?"

"The couch? In your own place?" Sophia asked incredulously. "Seriously, I can take the couch. I don't mind."

"What? No! I'll feel bad letting you sleep on the couch."

"I really don't mind."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Sophia stated. "And I'm not going to take no for an answer." She finished, taking another swig of the root beer.

"I was just offering to sleep on the couch because Easton likes to sleep there too." Jack explained.

"Welp I'm sure it's not the first time I've slept with a dog." Sophia said, jokingly before narrowing her eyes and adding,  "Although I wouldn't know."

Jack smirked. "Well. Goodnight."

Jack began walking towards the stairs and stopped at the base before turning his head. "Oh and about that Fifty Shades Of Grey comment..." He started before adding, "I may not be a sadistic Dom, but at least I still have a pair of handcuffs."

An Officer, The K9, And MeWhere stories live. Discover now