"Why are you criticizing my painting? Focus on your own work and leave me alone!" 

"...You're going to get in so much trouble." 

"No, I'm not. Why would I?" 

"Because Madame Morin told us to draw our families, your family looks like aliens or something." 

"Well, gems are aliens so...thank you, I guess. Now stop bothering me." 

"....Just admit it." 

"Admit what?" 

"That you're stupid. You don't even know that grass is green, even babies know that!" 

Rose Quartz didn't respond to that. She didn't understand why Lumiere was so focused on attacking her today. 

"You always have to be the center of attention, don't you? You can't just--" 

"How are your paintings coming along?" Mme. Morin asked.

"I already finished mine, Madame." Rose reported.

"Mines going great, but Rose Quartz's looks terrible!" Lumiere responded. 

The teacher scoffed. "Now Lumiere, that's not very nice at all! I'm sure it's not--oh, oh dear…" Mme. Morin paused when she saw Rose's painting.

"Rose, honey, um….today, we're painting our families. So we want to make it look as realistic as possible. Now, I'm aware that some students have parents with unnatural skin colors but um….I'm certain that His Majesty does not have yellow skin, I have provided skin color paints for you to use." Mme. Morin informed Rose.

"Yes, I know, but I'll paint what I want to paint. It's my painting." Rose replied, adjusting her sunglasses. 

"Is that sass, young lady?" Mme. Morin asked, indignant. 

"No, Madame. Rose is just dumb, she doesn't know what she's doing. Just let her keep her ugly painting, no one will have time to hate it because everyone will be too busy being entranced by mine. Well, except for her parents, her Daddy will be so disappointed--"

"Lumiere Dennel, that is enough--"

Before anyone knew what was happening, Rose had jumped on top of Lumiere. She knocked over the table in the process, spilling paint and art supplies everywhere. Rose repeatedly punched him in the face and pulled on his hair.

The rest of the students were yelling and some were egging on the fight. Madame didn't know what to do, so she called the SRO, begging her to come quick. 

Rose had the upper hand until Lumiere slugged her in the face, shattering the lenses of her sunglasses. She screamed, falling back off of Lumiere.

He stood up, spitting out a tooth that Rose had knocked out. He was a bit surprised, he had never seen Rose Quartz without her sunglasses before, they were her trademark. 

Eventually, the SRO rushed in with back up to intervene. 


Bully, Apple, Brigitta and Rose Quartz were now sitting in the waiting room of the optometrists office. 

After Rose's outburst, she and Lumiere were promptly escorted out of class. They had to tell the Headmistress what happened, then she called their parents to pick them up. Rose's broken sunglasses were also confiscated and put in a plastic bag for safety reasons. The whole time they were waiting outside of the Headmistress' office, Rose sat with her eyes closed. She was filled with so much dread and anxiety. She was going to get in big, no huge trouble. At least, she got to keep her painting….but she hardly wanted it now. Lumiere was right, it was ugly. She'd never been very good at art. 

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